Day 058


Living with the other living beings

This one is an extension of the raw wildernes concept I discussed in another post.
Today I experienced a moment with the nature that was quite close.

Touching a tree as if I was touching a person or an animal, in the sense that it is a living being. That was super cool and gave me a nice perspective. I usually look at trees in a different way. Not that they're not alive, but I usually look at them as inannimate beings, differing from dogs or cats, for instance.

The perspective is not a new one, because I have experienced that before. But bringing back that perception is interesting, and I would even consider doing that more often.

If we humans start to seriouly take other living creatures as actual living creatures with life "running throught their veins", even though trees do not have actual veins (like other mamals do, but plants do have analogous structures), we could surely experience different perspectives about ourselves, and the roles we play in this world.

It is quite interesting to think about it, and I am not sure how useful it could be to others. I do know some people that could not make use of this information at all. They're simply not able to access that perpective.

Some others would totally get the idea, despite not being necessarily able to apply it to their daily lives. A few others would rejoice to read such lines and discover that they're not alone in this world.

To all of you: start with doggos and cats. Then move to other animals and then go down to plants. Really try to make stronger connections than the ones you're used to. Persist.

Have fun!

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