FINAL CHAPTER BACKGROUND As a paradoxon, local factors (products, raw materials, job keepers, workers, officers..., knowledge, exchangeable contacts, economical motivations locally) are in the first raw of competitiveness in the whole competition of global economy. It seems that the physical distance remains a barrier whether communication goes through limitless almost. _ Life learning is not about let only a few people to have the power of innovation. If a youngster has relevant practice or...
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about (t)ASKS...(section2) ASK5 0045_How this can be utilized as a profitable local investment? tASK5 ----Smart design is where the incentives are calibrated to the monetised value of the environmental externalities! \ proposed 1 - provision of special economic incentives for commons-oriented projects. \ proposed 2 - development of a legal framework that provides co-ops and collectivist organisations operating in the secondary sector with the organisational autonomy! ASK6 0046_If this invest...
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about (t)ASKS...(section1) ASK1 0041_From a single question to an answer for common interests... --OpenSource is good at identifying new market opportunities. It can produce solutions that the market won't! Tools arise because of personal devices-not because of the invisible hand of economics. ----Question from this note: Ask for advice how to build a [new generation of products] while help a growing base of intelligent creators and communities? tASK1 Alternative concept comes from understand...
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about Organisational Statements O_ S_ as a work-protocol while managing solutions for wider interests: --be gentle: exercise power with others... --be firm: hold people to their commitments, especially yourself... --be selfless: subsume your personal motivations to those of the group... --be kind: care of the people, care for yourself, ask for and offer support... --be ambitious: aim for high standards in both yourself and others... --be inclusi...
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methods used IN ACTION Key concepts for apply: 1-...use of collaboration and maintain local demands 2-...build-up the participatory culture online and non-virtually also 3-...focus on commons-based peer production as method to be follow Appropriate control of creation [and other challenges]: 4-...adapt free culture movement as working methodology to collecting many of demands 5-...create infrastructure and workbench to accumulate values from open source ecology & co-workers network as mak...
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About Fields of action: "Evolve the work of your life" contribution needed: 1---keep contact with catalysts ( as a functional mentor or network of mentors). 2---synthetized method: (often from catalysts, but not only) REPRESENT the setup elements of an own-constructed plan for debut functionality- & communication modules of activization. 3---create the Community of Creators [cCoC] : these modules serves the self-government - mainly; but gives the payable activity served on the field of ...
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STANDS AT POLE POSITION in that workbench: 1-Task-management, ideological approval and 2-accuracy stands at pole position (instead of compulsory working hours). 3-Working schedules could conform with special needs of workers, 4-and also, with extra demands about work management or 5-with something else, connected with personal needs actually. .....this period [124K] continues next month ...
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Context of workbench creation Collecting people who engages in building movements by advancing the strategic use and collective control of technology for local struggles, global transformation and liberation without borders! ["A collaboration platform is the core element of an open design project around which a community can emerge."] and an other title: "Young people are creative and curious citizens, but we must help them distinguish what is news and what is disinformation." -said Gabrie...
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What leads to a meaningful innovation?
This question collects many of aspects. In my case, just name a few: _personal interests _community interests _youngsters activized for local issues _solopreneurs interests _makers and creators involved in general fields of action _...and in specific or alternative fields of action: as an added value, this action could be used in technologically and socially useful productions/services also. [Fields of action are reflect to entrepreneurial activities and non for profit tasks also.] Driven by ...
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Factors about match myself
...from ideology to flow at work I spend a lot of time (2 years) with seeking practices for my interests. As I remember, only one feature was concrete for me at the starting point of an own-managed solution: use attention and take care of others by a different mode (or method) of work/service from usual. That was a measurable factor, (it can be determine some tasks or business solutions) meanwhile, on the other side of the coin: I suffered from lack of personal contacts and friends whom support ...
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Factors about acting my ROLE
The platforms of creative industry could be good enough for solopreneurs to keep their creative activity alive in context of business, but in the context of social and cultural fields of business activities it could generate more addons by solutions for growing up with co-working templates. KIP platformja alkalmas tevékenységet ad az egyszemélyes hadsereg állapotból a többek érdekét is összekötő munkák kivitelezésére, valamint ügyviteli feladatok szervezésére és delegálására! Attention: (by ...
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...from others' eye to state of my mind
as a Foreword "The Commons Transition-Primer" (Chapter 2-from Platform to Open Cooperativism) ...Beyond critiques of the Silicon Valley-style "sharing economy", Open Cooperativism questions the dominance of capital in the free and open source software economy, and suggests P2P- empowered digital solutions in order to lower the transactional costs of networked cooperative production.... (Basic Attention Token -White Paper) "Attention has been widely recognized as a commodity....Existing ind...
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On way of evolving work of my life...
To continues my words before, I managed to keep moving, and this means the following statements below: The fact that I missed relevant friendship in my hometown when I was a teenager, it holds relevance by I could not access to wide range of opportunities from collective mind or just from simple conversations. So, I suffered from lack of opportunities, but now: according to my way of thinking I can take a short summary about relevancy of meaningful relationships: "Tomorrow's need for live up ...
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Just Keep Moving
I heard a lot that words, but where should I move? As I am an only child of my parents I used to get almost anything I need. Although, the uniquely useful values were missed from my life: keeping contact with respectful friends and have a good time out of school with them... ... Nowadays, I think, I am on my way: this way is for connecting people and their interests who/which engages in building movements for local or personal struggles through global transformation and liberation without bo...
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