The Damash Tree

I am alive forever... and writing for at least #100days

Doing it elsewhere

So, that didn't last long. It's the whole other-people-being-able-to-read-my-posts thing. The good news is I've not missed a day yet. I've just been doing it elsewhere. Seeya. ...
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8 - Privatising honesty

I am forcing this post out. I was in severe danger of day 8 not happening. It's been a hard evening with the kids, it's been a long day, and there's much on my mind. I just want to go to bed. And I will. But here is post 8. It's happened. The best thing about today is that I think I have a plan of sermons for the next few weeks, after a meeting with student TDLC. He was kind of helpful, but it was more for him really. We ended up with what I would have chosen to do had I not had him around. But...
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7 - A bit of life vision

About this time of night I start getting tired. It's 9 pm. I had aspirations of writing a life vision. Say what?! Yes, you read that correctly. What was I thinking? I am learning that I do my best work first thing in the morning. So, here's a bit of life vision, and this isn't new: I want to get up early enough each morning (most mornings) in order to read the Bible, pray, and write. Let's call it ten minutes each. It's a good start. Ten ten ten. It should be possible. I need to be up proper...
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6 - A tiring but fun day

The daughter and wife went shopping today. The former had lots of birthday money to spend. So the son and I spent much time in a playground. We then all met up at Wagamama for lunch. We spent some time playing at home in the afternoon, then went to our hired beach hut for a fish-finger sandwich. I took the above photo of birds above our heads. I take a lot of photos. More will be featured here in the future, I don't doubt. It's been a tiring but fun day. ...
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5 - Living the life we want

Living the life we want not only requires doing the right things, but also necessitates not doing the things we know we’ll regret. We have to live with intent. Nir Eyal, Twitter This is amazing, but incredibly simple. How I need to write down what the life is that I want, and the right things that are required to get there. I think I already know the things I am liable to do that I'll regret - but I'm sure that's worth exploring as well. ...
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4 - INDISTRACTABLE (not yet, obviously)

Would you tweet if you got no likes? Sometimes I wonder what is going on in people's heads. It seems like a total self-promotion setup. (This is me at near to my most negative. I'm not sure how I got to this stage this evening. Blame it on tiredness.) I would like to tweet. But I don't want to appear like .... like anything, really. I just know the kinds of people who are following me will judge me for what I tweet. Or maybe I think that because I judge others for what they tweet. Wow, I don't ...
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3 - Thinking more clearly

Today was E's school trip. It was fun, and reminded of the fact that I really don't want to be a teacher again. HR is leading the prayer meeting tonight. That has meant obviously that I haven't had to plan it. It does feel good not having had to plan and execute a prayer meeting. It mostly always feels stressful. I'm not quite sure why. Saying all that, she hasn't turned up yet (on Zoom). We agreed 7:50. It's now 7:53. Come on H. She's just arrived. And it's just happened. Blog posts like th...
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Counting before bed

I have to count up to 100 in order to get myself to bed, otherwise I just procrastinate for ages. The light has to be off before I reach 100, or 200 if I don't quite make it. It really works. ...
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2 - An educational 7 months

Eating a bowl of Shreddies before I go to bed. Actually they're third party Shreddies. From Tesco. I tried Sainsbury's the other week. They were a big let down. Surprisingly stodgy. Tesco's are acceptable. Tomorrow is the school trip. I said I'd help. I'll be leading my daughter's group, which is the only reason I'm going - for her. So tomorrow is my day off, instead of Friday. I can feel the pressure building, but I would like to think that I've learnt how to handle it much better than at the ...
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1 - Kicking off the #100days challenge

Yes, here we go again. The #100days challenge. Can I do it? I am going to do it. Please somebody punch me if it looks like I'm going to miss a day. The advice is write for 10 - 20 minutes. Sit down and write. Whatever is on your mind. I don't know if I dare to do that. I know this is anonymous, but really... whatever is on my mind?? I don't know if you're ready. I don't know if I'm ready. Does this count for day one? It has to. Let's call it a day. ...
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Here we go

Recently I have really been round the blogging houses. You name it, I've been there. I've even done the whole static site thing with Jekyll. But, I think... I think I'm settling here. I've been here before. I'm not quite sure why I quit. What I like about this place is that I can blog from anywhere - any device - easily. It's free. It's fairly minimal in nature. It's as anonymous as I want it to be. And other people can read what I write. So there we go. I really, really want to write every ...
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