OSaD, D19

te digo un secreto? este pedo que estamos viviendo... es una simulación, nuestros verdaderos cuerpos están en unas cápsulas sumergidos en una solución con los nutrientes que necesitan mientras que un chingo de electrodos inyectan señales eléctricas a nuestro cerebro simulando una realidad orquestada por una mega computadora todo porque perdimos la Gran Batalla hace un par de siglos y todo este pedo del virus y los nuevos inventos en realidad está todo basado en eventos de hace cientos de años po...
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OSaD, D18

El sol comenzaba a esconderse tras el horizonte. Tras sangrienta batalla, los piratas abordaron la nave. Mataron a toda la tripulación, incluso a los que se arrodillaron ante ellos. Especialmente a quienes se arrodillaron. Little John fue el primero en ver los doblones. Se hincó, venerando al único Dios que conocía, y tomó tantas monedas de oro como pudo. Una puñalada le perforó la espalda y un pulmón. De su boca salieron saliva y sangre mezcladas. Lo último que vio fue su propia sangre pintando...
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OSaD, D17

Que no me empeñe en ser perdonado como en perdonar, Porque muriendo se llega a la vida eterna. ...
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OSaD, D16

Entities with denser consciousness have a higher degree of autonomy, i.e., free will. Consciousness is present even in rocks, but it's so thin, that they appear insentient to us. They have no free will. Human beings are the entities with the highest degree of autonomy in this planet. However, this is not important at all to the devotee. The devotee aims at at aligning her thoughts and actions with the Will of the Divine. ...
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OSaD, D15

Patience and compassion toward oneself--even in the warrior path. A crystal goblet\ So fragile and dear\ Needs one step at a time ...
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OSaD, D14

Our propensities, our most pointed desires, pull us away from the spiritual realm and into the world of materialism and unconsciousness. However, suppression runs contrary to the human spirit and indulgence is not helpful either. The goal is to walk the path between these two approaches. For most of our desires, that path is easy to walk. Each one of us has a limited number of very pointed propensities (something to be thankful for). When dealing with those intense desires and compulsions, the p...
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OSaD, D13

Greater in battle than the warriors that conquers one-thousand soldiers in each of one-thousand battles Is the one who conquers only one: himself Self-restraint is the Holy Grail Walking the path between indulgence and suppression Requires a strong mind And a strong spirit The world of touch, sight, The world of the senses beckons With a violent strength Gliding above Is a feat for developed souls ...
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OSaD, D12

People conned by trump are not necessarily stupid or naive. They simply think they're going to be the ones who Trump does not betray because they are special. So I guess they actually are stupid. ...
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my_dogs = 2 rules cannot start with a number no spaces no symbols lowercase (in general) avoid special meaning in Python no need to declare can change type on the fly (dynamic typing) type() #function sirve para verificar el tipo de variable type(my_dogs) ...
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OSaD, D11

Without the strife Without the struggle We would've never know The fight we had in our hearts ...
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OSaD, D10, Spirituality

The material world is obvious. Even more than obvious, it's intrusive, there is no escaping and no denying. Not even animals can escape it--as long as they are alive. The spiritual world, on the other hand, requires intention, work, awareness, concentration, focus--arduous work. From the material world, the spiritual world looks hazy, murky. Our eyes are not accustomed to the warped physics of the spiritual world, how the light is bent, refracted and reflected in the atmosphere that stands betwe...
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OSaD, D9, Sentence or Poem

I'm expanding the scope of this blog to one sentence or poem a day, including Haiku and Haiku-ish poems. ...
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OSaD, D8, Why?

The only time I question my desire to write is in front of a blank page. ...
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OSaD, D7, I didn't publish my one sentence yesterday

We're always a work in progress--persist. ...
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OSaD, D6, A Clean Mind

"Garbage in, garbage out" applies to minds too. ...
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OSaD, D5, Who cares?

Are you willing to chop wood when nobody's watching or will you surrender to the negative thoughts in your mind? ...
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OSaD, D4, What Country is This?

When the insurrectionist storm the Capitol don't "ask what country is this?", because what makes this country special (or not) is the actions of its people, and not the magical thinking that exceptionalism (and your question) implies. ...
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OSaD, Day 3

Elephants of all sizes, along with the giraffes, feed on the trees of the savanna. ...
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One Sentence a Day, Day 2

La separación es una ilusión. ...
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One Sentence

Every day write one sentence, even if it's imperfect. ...
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Some people want hell. They attack whoever suggests that there is no hell. They don't want hell for themselves, but for the infidels. Hell is eternal, the supreme punishment. That's what so-called Christians want for others. Christ asked us to love our enemies, so-called Christians want every person who is not a Christian to suffer eternally. What do we want for people who oppose social distancing? Darwinism? We need to fight our basest insticts not to be like the Christians who wish hell to t...
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It's emerging that some people feel restless about the government-imposed quarantine. They want to get on with their lives. We all do. This coincides with governments in at least half of the states in the U.S. loosening restrictions. I think that's good. I think people have internalized the message and more than 66,000 dead people in the country speak for the gravity of the situation. We'll get to 100,000 before summer and I don't see most people happily going into the streets any time soon, gov...
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Modern society has takenthe power to improve your personal, emotional and spiritual well-being from your hands. Science and objective knowledge, on one hand, and the absolute power of the church on the other. As individuals, it is our duty to take it back. We have the responsibility to heal ourselves and take the control of our lives back. The power to do it is in each and every one of us. There isn't a person in the univeres who is not capable of doing something right now to improve their i...
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La motivación se ha vuelto para mí la piedra de toque que convierte el plomo en oro. Una quimera. Desde que tuve mi primer trabajo, la motivación me ha faltado. Me ha faltado interés en los frutos de mi trabajo. Me interesa no fallar, no meter la pata, no ser completamente irresponsable, pero más allá no me importa más. He leído en muchos lugares que no estoy solo. Que a la mayoría de la gente le disgusta su trabajo (más del 80%, según Gary V, el insoportable y self-centered gurú del entrepren...
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El virus y el virulento

Salir o no salir? Ese es el dilema Sabremos algún día quién tuvo razón? Quién hizo lo correcto, qué país tuvo la estrategia correcta? No lo creo Perú, según las noticias que leí, al principio de la epidemia mandó al ejercito a asegurarse que todo mundo respetara la queda. Suecia, optó por dejar que sus ciudadanos hicieran lo que les dictara la consciencia. En medio, España e Italia, que tuvieron varias semanas experimentando una versión del infierno. One size does not fit all. Por qué cundió ...
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Me desvelo

No sé porqué, pero de vez en cuando me desvelo Es como tomar alcohol, me adormece algún dolor Me embrutece en el momento y le quita el filo a mi consciencia Pero al día siguiente, el dolor, el mordisqueo reaparece Y encima me siento de la mierda porque el día anterior no dormí bien Joder Coño Joder Y así, prometo que no lo vuelvo a hacer Paso las próximas cuatro noches intentando irme a dormir temprano Y las próximas cuatro mañanas tratando de despertarme tarde Para dormir Para recuperar el su...
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A Toast for the Broken

Brindo por los que no son perfectos por los que mientan madres por los que se despiertan tarde por los que no hicieron la tarea los que se mearon en los calzones los que le mentaron la madre a su jefe emborrachados los que no saben escribir los que escriben pura mierda los que se emputan los que no meditan los que tragan pura cagada de desayuno los que no desayunan los que viven quincena a quincena los que no ahorraron los que siguieron el manual de carreño los que se cagaron fuera del escusad...
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Y qué tal que escribir no es difícil

Evidentemente, escribir no es difícil. Estoy sentado en mi casa escribiendo. Puedo escribir por una hora, sin cansarme. Es más fácil que levantar pesas. Porqué, entonces, he estado pensando que es difícil? Para empezar, he estado pensando que escribir "bien" es lo difícil. Qué es escribir bien? Aquí está el problema, no se puede definir qué es la "buena" escritura. Es subjetivo, es decir que aquí estamos a merced del público. Como no podemos satisfacer a todos en un mundo tan diverso como el nu...
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Corona Virus, the Aftermath

Watching the situation in China and the unrest caused by the government's ineptitude, I was hoping that people in China would finally wake up to the oppression and fight for a better system that works for the people, but today I was thinking about our own government's response and the inequality here and that we need to finally wake up to the oppression of a system that only works for billionaires and fight for a better system that works for the rest of us. ...
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Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers killed irony. Baby Boomers are the generation that was born after WWII and benefited the most from the economic boom that blessed the U.S. after the end of the war. Baby Boomers lived through the most prosperous time in the history of mankind. And who benefited the most? White males. And now, white, old males are back to tell you that all you need to prosper is to work harder. The. Fucking. Nerve. Who killed irony? Boomers did. ...
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