Lesson 87 (Intermediate 3 Lesson 2)

We went through the Quizlet word set for Chapter 9 as a group.

Then, we finished up the last grammar point in the handout, did the video script, and then went to the textbook (p. 204–209)

The video script for this chapter had 2 songs apart from just having regular dialogues.

Not a long post, because most of the time was spent doing the speaking exercises in the textbook.


4. N밖에

This is used to express the only thing or option available, with no possibility of anything else. It means “only N” or “nothing but N”.

N밖에 is always used with a negative form (e.g. 몰라, 없어, 못 = 지 못하다, 안 = 지 않다).

However, it cannot be followed by 아니다 or -지 마세요 (suggestion or request), even though they are negative forms.


  1. 사과가 한 개밖에 남았어요.
    • (= 사과가 한 개만 남았어요.)
  2. 한국어는 ‘안년하세요’밖에 몰라요.
    • (= 한국어는 ‘안년하세요’만 알아요.)
  3. 교실에 나나 씨밖에 없어요.
    • (= 교실에 나나 씨만 있어요.)

As you can see from the examples above, it is possible to rewrite the sentences using N만, but the verb is inverted in order to keep the same meaning.

With N만 it is also possible to write (as in the last example) 교실에 나나 씨만 없어요, but that would be the opposite in meaning to 교실에 나나 씨밖에 없어요.


Korean English Notes
읽고 씹다 to read a message and ignore it (slang) Equivalent of saying someone “blue-ticked” you on WhatsApp
씹다 to chew
아프리카 Africa
전시 exhibit
애니메이션 animation
만화 영화 animation, cartoon film


  • Worksheet chapter 9, p. 168–169 (end)
  • Textbook chapter 8, Reading & Writing
  • Quizlet Chapter 9 sentence set


  • Students: 4 out of 5 (the girl who went to Korea last time did not attend as she had just gone for vaccination)
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, random

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