Lesson 88 (Intermediate 3 Lesson 3)

We finished up Chapter 9 (and the 2A book), and started on Chapter 10.

Culture Note

This was about the special phone numbers in Korea.

  • 120 is the one you call in Seoul when you want to know what are the other numbers to call
  • 119 is for the fire department/ambulance
  • 112 is for the police
  • 114 is to find out the phone number of a particular business/shop
  • 131 is for the weather
  • 1330 is a travel hotline, and is what the short write-up covers


We went through this very quickly, probably because it is nothing new.

When the final consonant sound [ㄷ] is followed by ‘ㄴ, ㅁ’, [ㄷ] is pronounced as [ㄴ].


  1. 듣는 [든는]
  2. 옛날 [연날]
  3. 못 만나요 [몬만나요]

Related rules were covered in:

  • Lesson 31 (SNU 1A, Chapter 7)
    • When the final consonant sound [ㅂ] is followed by a syllable that begins with ‘ㄴ, ㅁ’, then [ㅂ] is prounounced as [ㅁ].
  • Lesson 47 (SNU 1B, Chapter 12)
    • One of the pronunciation rules for 못: 못[몯] + ㄴ,ㅁ → [몬] + [ㄴ],[ㅁ].
  • Lesson 58 (SNU 1B, Chapter 15)
    • When the final consonant sounds [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ] are followed by ‘ㄴ’ , they are pronounced as [ㅇ, ㄴ, ㅁ].
  • Lesson 65 (SNU 2A, Chapter 1)
    • When the final consonant sound [ㅂ] is followed by the initial consonants ‘ㄴ, ㅁ’, then [ㅂ] is prounounced as [ㅁ].
  • Lesson 81 (SNU 2A, Chapter 8)
    • When the final consonant sound [ㄱ] is followed by the initial consonants ‘ㄴ, ㅁ’, then [ㄱ] is prounounced as [ㅇ].

Overview of SNU 2B

As per tradition, we also did an overview of the chapters in the 2B book before going into the grammar in the handout.

  • 10 – food, 반말 (casual speech)
  • 11 – symptoms
  • 12 – appearance and personality
  • 13 – house and home living
  • 14 – etiquette and manners
  • 15 – life events and how to talk about changes
  • 16 – festivals
  • 17 – accidents, colours, patterns
  • 18 – emotions and seasons


1. N 중에(서)

This is used to indicate a selection of one item among two or more.

N is (generally?) a category of item.


  1. 저는 한국 음식 중에서 불고기를 가장 좋아해요.
  2. 운동 중에서 뭘 제일 잘해요?
  3. 가족 중에서 누가 제일 키가 커요?

Observation is that it is used with 가장 or 제일 to indicate the superlative.

If it is not a category, but a place (the teacher mentioned 장소), you would not use 중:

  1. 세계에서 에베레스트 산이 제일 높아요.
  2. 이 근처에서 이 식당이 제일 맛있어요.

As of now, I do not yet know:

  1. If N must always be a category.
  2. If it is possible to use this construction without 가장/제일.


Chapter 9

Korean English Notes
숨쉬기 breathing If someone asks you what exercise you do, and you do not do any, you can say 숨쉬기밖에 안 해요.
1회 (일 회) one time Same meaning as 한 번. 충4회 in the given context meant that there were in total 4 lessons.
정보를 얻다 to get information From Culture Note.
상담원 operator This one and the following are from the reading, which is actually last week’s homework, but I have not done the homework nor added it to the last post, so here they are.
치료를 받다 to get treatment

Chapter 10

Korean English Notes
taste; flavour
맵다 to be spicy
달다 to be sweet
짜다 to be salty
깅겁다 to be bland
쓰다 to be bitter
시다 to be sour
입에 맞다 to be to one's taste
야채/채소 vegetable 野菜
후식 dessert 后食, 디저트
한정식 Korean multi course meal 韩定食
맛집 restaurant for renowned delicious food
1인분 1 serving 1人份
교통 traffic 交通
서비스 service
분위기 atmosphere 雰围气
선배 senior 先輩
후배 junior 后辈
동기 same batch school/office, 同期
동갑 the same age (同甲)
오랜만에 after a long time
미리 in advance
막판 at the last moment
자유 여행 self-guided tour 自助旅行
시키다 to order same as 주문하다
이상 more than 以上
이하 less than 以下
추천 recommendation 推荐
강추 strongly recommend
비추 don’t recommend
돈이 아깝다 It’s a waste of money.
배달되다 to be delivered 配达
갖다 주다 to bring
높임말 polite speech
반말 casual speech
말을 놓다 to speak in a casual way 반말하다
설탕 sugar 커피가 너무 쓰니까 우유하고 설탕을 넣었어요.
다이어트 diet 제가 요즘 다이어트 중이에요. 그래서 단 것을 안 먹어요.
식초 vinegar 식초를 많이 넣어서 좀 셔요.
에베레스트 산 Mt. Everest


  • Worksheet chapter 10, p. 16–19
  • Quizlet Chapter 10 word set


  • Students: 4 out of 5 (the slightly older lady was unwell)
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, pairs, same partner.

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