Lesson 89 (Intermediate 3 Lesson 4)

We started the lesson doing Quizlet Live. At the start of the lesson, there were only 3 of us in the class. After the first round, the girl who went to Korea not too long ago joined the class, but did not join the second (and last) round.

The first round was to pick the Korean word from the English definition, and the second was the opposite. I had difficulty in the first round since I did not revise Quizlet separately before the lesson (I was rushing 3 weeks’ worth of homework… don’t ask). I managed to somehow win the second round. Considering that the other two are also the usual ones who study… well, I am just glad I did not get anything wrong in the first round despite being super slow.

Right after that, we picked up with the handout, and covered the grammar. The guy joined the class during the first breakout room activity.

There was a lot of speaking practice this time because the first grammar point was about 반말 (banmal), casual speech. It really did feel very foreign.


2. 반말

This is the introduction to casual speech. It is used:

  1. Among family members (it is okay to use with your parents, if your parents are okay with it… in most families that is the case)
  2. Between friends of the same age or close friends of a similar age
  3. To people younger or of lower social status than you
  4. To children
  5. To animals

2.1 Statements or Questions

  1. Remove ‘요’ from the ‘아/어 요’ form (informal polite speech)
    • 먹어요 → 먹어
    • 갔어요 → 갔어
  2. ‘이다’ is changed to ‘이야’ and ‘아니다’ is changed to ‘아니야’
    • 친구예요 → 친구
    • 학생이에요 → 학생이야
    • 아니에요 → 아니
  3. Future tense ‘-(으)ㄹ 거예요’ is changed to ‘-(으)ㄹ 거야’
    • 갈 거예요 → 갈 거
    • 먹을 거예요 → 먹을 거
  4. Yes is ‘응/어’, No is ‘아니’

2.2 Commands

  1. Remove ‘요’ from the ‘아/어 요’ form (informal polite speech)
    • 오세요 → 와
  2. For negative form, use ’-지 마’ instead of ’-지 마세요
    • 먹지 마세요 → 먹지 마

2.3 Suggestions

  1. Add ’-자’ to verb stems
  2. Use ’-지 말자’ for negative form
    • 나가지 말자

2.4 Word Variation

  1. 저 → 나
  2. 제 → 내
  3. Can refer to the listener directly (second person): 너

2.5 Calling Others by Name

아/야 is attached to the name if it is a Korean name. 아 is added when there is batchim; otherwise 야 is added.

받침 X + 야 받침 O + 아
수미 → 수미 민전 → 민전
  • 수미, 지금 뭐해?
  • 민전, 빨리 와!

For foreign names, it is a bit strange to add 아/야, so it is simply omitted. But in either case, you will not add 씨.

  • 앤디, 이 책 봤어?
  • 스티븐, 지금 어디야?

A side note here is that if it is like a Korean name with two syllables, then some people may still add the 아/야.

2.6 Referring to a Person by Name

This is when you are talking about a third person, whereas the section before was about talking to someone directly.

If the person is close to you, and the name has batchim, then you will add 이. Again, this is only added to Korean names, not foreign names.

  • 민지는 무슨 음식을 좋아해?
    • Speaker is asking someone else—not talking to Minji—about what food Minji likes.
    • Having the 이 implies the speaker is close to Minji.

3. V-(으)ㄹ래요

This is used:

  1. As a statement, to indicate the speaker’s intention or will.
  2. As a question, to ask the listener’s intention or recommend an option.

Therefore, it is not used to refer to a third person. It is only used in the first person, or in the second (when asking a question).

I am not sure if I caught it correctly, but I think at one point the teacher said that it has the idea of both wanting to do something (V-고 싶다) and actually doing it (V-(으)ㄹ 게요)

받침 X, ㄹ + -ㄹ래요 받침 O + -을래요
V 가다 → 갈래요 먹다 → 먹을래요


  1. 지금 그냥 집에 갈래요.
  2. 먹을래요?

4. A-(으)ㄴ데, V-는데, N인데

No, you are not seeing things. There was exactly a grammar point that was exactly the same back in Lesson 68: A-(으)ㄴ데, V-는데, N인데.

Not to mention that recently (3 lessons ago), we covered the sentence ending form A-(으)ㄴ데요, V-는데요, N인데요.

But in this case, this is not a sentence ending, it really is just like the first time we saw it. Instead of providing contextual information, here, it means exactly “but”.

It is used to express unexpected outcomes or contrast between two clauses.

It is exactly the same as 지만—from way back in SNU 1A.

The reason why we were taught 지만 first is because it’s much easier to conjugate. You simply just attach the basic form and you are done.

In daily life, especially in spoken language, 지만 is not used as often as this A-(으)ㄴ데요, V-는데요, N인데요 form.

지만 comes from 하지만, which means “however”. Like in English, you use “but” more than “however”.

받침 X 받침 O
A 크다 → 큰데 작다 → 작은데
V 가다 → 가는데 읽다 → 읽는데
N 친구 → 친구인데 학생 → 학생인데

The same things apply, as before:

  • Adjectives that end in -있다 and -없다 follow the verb pattern (재미있는데, 맛없는데)
  • Past tense forms as well, even for adjectives (갔는데, 많았는데)


There are almost no new words, most come from SNU 2A Chapter 9 as I finished up the homework.

Korean English Notes
생강차 ginger tea
장구 double-headed Korean traditional drum with a narrow middle Just call it a Janggu. That English term was provided in the workbook.
물론이다 to be sure Given by the workbook, but in that context of it being used as 물론이지요, it means “of course”, similar to 당연하지요.
관광 tourism
관광객 tourist 觀光客
안내 guidance 案內
연중무휴 open year-round 年中無休
운영하다 to manage, operate, run 運營
서비스를 제공하다 to provide a service 외국인을 위한 통역 서비스를 제공하다 = to provide interpreting service for foreigners
생명을 위협하는 응급 상황 life-threatening emergency
위협 threat
응급 상황 emergency situation
비응급 상황 non-emergency situation
병원 수송 차량 non-emergency medical transportation
차량 vehicle
다치다 to be hurt
중상을 입다 to be seriously hurt
부상 injury
생명에 지장이 없는 부상 non life-threatening injuries
사설 구급차 private ambulance
성격 character; personality It has appeared in a sentence in Chapter 6’s Quizlet sets before, but I’ve not added this before.
반모 banmal mode (slang) 반말 모드
관리비 maintenance fee


  • Worksheet chapter 10, p. 20–27 (end)
  • Quizlet Chapter 10 sentence set


  • Students: 5 out of 5
  • Breakout room activities: Yes. First in pairs, then later when the other student joined, another of the group of 3 was same person + 1 more.

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