Lesson 91 (Intermediate 3 Lesson 6)

Oops, this is overdue, but… I am still writing it before the next lesson.

We went through entire handout for Chapter 11, then we went through the Quizlet sentence deck for this chapter together (with Korean and English on one side, then the second round was to translate from English to Korean). Finally, we covered the first 2 pages of Chapter 11 in the textbook.

For Chapter 10, I think we really missed the video script? I wonder if the next lesson we will begin with the video script for Chapter 11.


1. ‘ㅅ’ 불규칙

This is the ‘ㅅ’ irregular congujation.

This is for some verbs stems that end in the final consonant ‘ㅅ’. When they are followed by a vowel (syllable starting with ‘ㅇ’), the ‘ㅅ’ is dropped.

Irregular verbs include:

  • 붓다 (to swell, to pour)
  • 낫다 (to be better (A), to recover)
  • 젓다 (to stir)
  • 짓다 (to build, to name, to compose)
  • 잇다 (to link, to connect)

It is important to note that this irregular conjugation cannot further combine:

  • 붓다 + 어요 = 부어요 (O)

It does not become 붜요 (X), the way 배우 + 어요 = 배워요.

Similarly, 낫다 + 아요 = 나아요. (O)

For grammar that has the optional 으, you keep it.

  • 붓다 + (으)면 = 부으면 (O)
  • 붓다 + 은데 = 부은데 (O)

This doesn’t apply to the following verbs that end in ㅅ but are regular:

  • 웃다 (to laugh)
  • 씻다 (to wash)

2. N마다

Every or each. This is used to indicate that the action that happens after 마다 happens repeatedly at a certain period of time.

Essentially, it has the same meaning as 매 as in 매일, 매달, 매년, except that 매 is placed before and only works with single syllable words.

You cannot say 매주말 (X), 매일요일 (X).

Instead, you would say 주말마다 (O), 일요일마다 (O).

Something interesting is the use of 마다 with 날 (날마다) to mean “every day” is possible, but 매일 is more common.

English N마다 매N
every day 날마다 매일
every week 일주일마다 매주
every month 달마다 매월/매달
every year 해마다 매년

For the word ‘집’, ‘집집마다’ is used instead of ‘집마다’ to refer to every household.

A final small gotcha is with timing, be careful:

  • 6시마다 = every day at 6am (or 6pm)
  • 6시간마다 = every 6 hours

2.1 -(으)ㄹ 때마다 (“whenever”)

Recall that we learnt A/V-(으)ㄹ 때, N 때, and the 때 meant “when”?

When you add 마다 behind 때, then you get “whenever”.

  • 저는 방학 때마다 고향에 가요.
    • = 저는 방학 때 항상 고향에 가요.

3. V-는 게 어때요?

This is used to advise or recommend someone to do an action.

Normally, we have the structure that is N이/가 어때요?

For example:

  • 날씨가 어때요?
  • 맛이 어때요?
  • 내일이 어때요? (suggestion)

Recall that V-는 것 essentially turns a verb into a noun.

Additionally, 깃 + 이 is contracted to 게 when spoken.

받침 X 받침 O
가다 → 가는 게 어때요? 먹다 → 먹는 게 어때요?


  1. 퇴근 시간이라서 길이 막히니까 지하철을 타는 게 어때요?
  2. 오늘은 바쁘니까 내일 만나는 게 어때요?

4. V-기로 하다

This is used to indicate the making of a decision or a promise to do something.

Even if the action is in the future, the decision usually has been made by the point in time the sentence is said, hence this is conjugated to the past tense (했어요).

받침 X 받침 O
가다 → 가기로 했어요 먹다 → 먹기로 했어요


  1. 내일 친구를 만나기로 했어요.1
  2. 이제 담배를 피우지 않기로 했어요.


Korean English Notes
내과 internal medicine 内科
안과 ophthalmology 眼科
치과 the dentist 齿科
피부과 dermatology 皮肤科
정형외과 orthopaedics 整形外科
이비인후과 ear-nose-and-throat department 耳鼻咽喉科
감기약 cold medicine 感冒药
두통약 headache pill 头疼药
멀미약 motion sickness medicine
안약 eye drops 眼药
소화제 digestive medicine 消化剂
해열제 fever reducer 解热剂
파스 pain relief patch
(파스를) 붙이다 to apply (a pain relief patch)
연고 ointment 软膏
(연고를) 바르다 to apply (an ointment)
몸살이 나다 to have aches and pains due to the flu or fatigue
배탈이 나다 to have an upset stomach
얼굴에 뭐가 나다 to have one's face break out
소화가 안 되다 to have indigestion
속이 안 좋다 to not feel well in one's stomach
멀미를 하다 to have motion sickness
토하다 to vomit
어지럽다 to be dizzy
입맛이 없다 to have no appetite
기운이 없다 to feel feeble /down 气运
잠을 잘 못 자다 to not sleep well
다리를 다치다 to injure one's leg
(약을) 먹다 to take (medicine)
(안약을) 넣다 to put (eye drops)
성형외과 plastic surgery Many of such in Gangnam
차멀미 carsickness
배멀미 seasickness
선크림 sunscreen 선크림을 바르다 = to apply sunscreen
실력 ability, skill 요리 실력 = cooking skill
붓다 to swell; to pour
낫다 to be better (A); to recover (V)
젓다 to stir
짓다 to build, to name, to compose
잇다 to link
모기 mosquito
물다 to bite 모기가 물다 = mosquito bite
좋아지다 to improve, to get better
늘니다 to improve, to increase
식후 after a meal 이 감기약을 하루에 세번, 식후에 드세요.
발목 ankle
줄이다 to reduce 커피를 줄이다
휴가를 내다 to take time off
충분히 자다 to get enough sleep
충분히 못 자다 to have insufficient sleep


  • Chapter 11 Worksheet (entire)
  • Quizlet Chapter 11 Word Set


  • Students: 5 out of 5
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, was kind of random.

  1. A small note about 만나기로 했어요. As used here, where it is clearly referring to a point in time (내일), then it means what it says, that you are meeting your friend. However, it has a second meaning, where it means that you are going out (dating) someone. 

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