Lesson 92 (Intermediate 3 Lesson 7)

So it turns out that someone else in the class asked about the video script. There isn’t one for Chapter 11 (I searched for it after I wrote the post for the last lesson but before class began). In the end, we covered the video script for Chapter 10.

Then, we finished up with the textbook, including Culture Note and Pronunciation, which I will cover.

Next week, we will start on Chapter 12, which is also the last chapter before the next test. 😱 If that takes 2 weeks and another week for revision, that means the test would be in 4 weeks, in early October.

There was a small thing that came up under Listening & Speaking on p. 58, on how to read the age there.

There are two counters (unit nouns) for age: 살 and 세.

  • 살 is the more common one that we have seen before and is used when speaking.
  • 세 is more common in written form (e.g. news articles, which was what was supposed to be the context in the textbook). Hanja is 歲 (岁).

You make use of the native Korean numbers with 살, but you use the Sino-Korean numbers with 세.

  • 88살 (여든여덟 살)
  • 88세 (팔십팔 세)

Sadly, I didn’t get to ask how to read the “42.195 km” part (specifically the decimal). Context is that it was a “news article” about an 88-year-old man who completed a marathon.

Culture Note

Since this chapter was on health, the culture was on health foods (건강식품). Of course, Korean ginseng (인삼) was mentioned.

Then there was a discussion around red ginseng (홍삼). There is a version for kids (홍삼 키즈) because apparently kids don’t like the taste? And there is also a version for test-takers: 홍삼 수험생 (수험생 = test-taker) and it is called 아이패스. (I did not know in class and had to google after, but… the name is actually from English “I pass”).

Locally, I think people were saying things like bird’s nest, and the cheaper version of frog ovaries. And then there is chicken essense. Though at the start people were saying things like vitamins and omega 3.


The pronunciation topic was about how somtimes the final consonants change to sound like [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ] when followed by a syllable that begins with ‘ㅇ’.

Basically, as probably discussed at multiple points such as in Lesson 41, all these final consonants are pronounced as [앋]: 앋, 앝, 앗, 앚, 앛, 앟.

Also, we know that normally, when the next syllable starts with a vowel, the final consonant from the syllable is shifted over to the next syllable. This was covered way back in Lesson 14 (SNU 1A Chapter 3).

However, in some specific cases, instead of sounding like how it is written, it changes to sound like [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ] when it is carried over. For example, the final consonant can be ㅅ, but if the rule applies, in the next syllable, it sounds like [ㄷ] rather than [ㅅ].

The one it changes to depends on what is the sound if it were just a standalone syllable, and more accurately, has the same place of articulation as these three. It has been discussed before .

And no, this pronunciation rule is entirely new. It was covered in a note in Lesson 72, though it wasn’t the pronunciation lesson from that chapter.

These are two cases where this change happens:

  1. When two words become one word (compound words)
    • 맛없어요 (맛 + 없어요) → [마써요]
    • 첫인상 (첫 + 인상) → [처상]
  2. When two words are pronounced one after another
    • 부엌 안 → [부어간]
    • 잎 위 → [이뷔]
    • 못 와요 → [모돠요]

Otherwise, if it is followed by a particle, then nothing happens, the final consonant doesn’t change:

  • 옷이 [오시]


Korean English Notes
낮에 during the day 낮에 비빕밥 먹었어요. Context was the person had eaten Bibimbap for lunch, and was saying they wanted to eat something else rather than Bibimbap again for dinner.
약사 pharmacist
자꾸 repeatedly
생활비 living expenses
돈이 들다 to cost money
화해하다 to reconcile
마스크팩 mask as in the kind you put on your face for beauty purposes/nourishing the skin, and when you use it: 마스크팩을 하다
사흘 three days More common to use 삼일. This form is formal and would be heard on the news. This is the equivent type to 하루 and 이틀 for one day and two days respectively, but those are commonly used because the alternative of 일일 and 이일 are harder to distinguish.
나흘 four days Similarly, 사일 is more common.
마라톤 marathon
완주 finish, complete 完走
인삼 ginseng
건강식품 health foods Commonly used as gifts to parents
홍삼 red ginseng
홍삼 키즈 red ginseng for kids 키즈 = kids.
수험생 examinee (test-taker)
인상 impression
첫인상 first impression 첫인상이 좋다 = give a good first impression
오메가 3 omega 3 The “3” is prononuced as in English.
unit noun for pills
나비 butterfly
습관 habit
영양제 nutritional supplement
그러나 however
노력하다 to make an effort
외출하다 to go out 外出
예방하다 to prevent


  • Textbook p. 60–61 (Chapter 11 Reading & Writing)


  • Students: 5 out of 5
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, was kind of random. The only person I did not encounter was the newest girl to join the class.

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