Task 3 Practice - Art

The role of art in developing empathy for people and groups who live lives that are different to your own. Dear Members of the Board, this is my proposal supporting the role of art in developing empathy for people and groups who live lives that may be different. I will be talking about the significance of self expression and raising awareness through art in order to develop empathy. It may be argued that art can lead to the exposure of excessive violence to younger audiences. On streaming se...
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Creative Writing Carnival

All was silent. The occasional ruffle of a tarp being disrupted by the wind rang in my ears. The wind, in its own cursed manner, resembled the charming whistles that used to play at the fairground. The previously illuminated fair had now been veiled, a sort of cruel reminiscence. Unfortunate. A spotlight of darkness sat solely on the carousel. A chaotic crown of sorts, all broken and dismembered but still eerily beautiful. The once luminous, regal blues, maroons, and ochre yellows of the carouse...
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How does Fitzgerald use details of setting and imagery to establish a mood in chapter 5?

In chapter 5, Fitzgerald uses details of setting and imagery in order to establish an awed and amazed mood. This displays Nick's amazed perspective which is completely contradictory to the mood created in chapter 2 in the valley of ashes. For example, Fitzgerald describes Gatsby's mansion with words such as "enchanted murmurs", "sparking odour", "vivid", and "astounding presence". These words connote amazement and wonder which in turn makes the reader feel as in awe as Nick. Similarly, when desc...
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How does Fitzgerald use details of setting and imagery to establish a mood in the opening pages of chapter 2?

Fitzgerald uses emphasised details of settings and imagery in order to establish a gloomy and uncomfortable mood, creating a tension implying a negative turn of events later on in the story. For example, the people in the valley of ashes are described as "already crumbling through the powdery air". This upsetting image creates a sense of discomfort, indicating how everything eventually fades away. The same gloomy idea is implicated when T.J Eckleburg's poster is described as "his eyes, dimmed a ...
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Peter Singer Response

In Peter Singer’s essay, he argues that voluntary euthanasia is ethical and rational since the subject has nothing of possible value in their life anymore because most of the time, they are losing themselves. In addition, he states that these people are not only thinking of themselves since they consider family, caretakers, and even the country in this decision. Therefore, Singer believes that if a patient does not have the will to live in their painful or vegetative state, they should have the ...
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Debates Reflection

During the debates, I found the point that Rushil made about there being a line when speaking about dress code very interesting. It was effective when he said that school's should transition to being able to dress according to the workplace and a dress code can help do that. I learned that it was very effective when someone asked a rhetorical question because it did make me think about their point much more than I would've with a regular sentence. It was difficult for me to find a way to formula...
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Screenplay Response to Image

Group members: Amber, Julie and Dhanvi Fade in Ext- Deserted post-apocalyptic land - daytime A support dog (Benjamin) and a young woman (Carrie) carrying a briefcase stand in the centre of an isolated, dried out terrain, the only signs of life, other than the two of them, are minuscule bushes of dehydrated grass. There is a car on the far right end of the long shot which other than a few minute scratches and dust particles, looks practically brand new. Carrie Strange, isn’t it? It feels lik...
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Script to Direct Speech

Amber stood dead centre on a smooth cement path surrounded by a nearly uniform alignment of shrubs and patches of grassy undergrowth with an expression which seemed to reflect utter awe. This idea was contradicted just in a matter of seconds. "Don’t get me wrong, this is a breathtaking area but don’t you think it’s time to head back? I never thought I’d say this but the air is too fresh and I’d just like to be alone with my coffee right now," Amber mutters. She then proceeds to toss her keys ar...
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Imagening a Diaglouge Between Two Characters - Green Hills

EXT. Two women (one twenty years old and the other seventy-two) walking on a long pathway surrounded by grassy fields. The sun is out and the air is so cool and crisp, you can kind of see it. Estelle has a slight German accent and pronounces her ‘th’s more like ‘z’s. Amber: Don’t get me wrong, this is a breathtaking area but don’t you think it’s time to head back? I never thought I’d say this but the air is too fresh and I’d just like to be alone with my coffee right now. Estelle: Pardon ...
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Descriptive Writing - Ruins Step Image

I panted up the never ending, worn out steps, awaiting the end of this continuous spiral. The steps were lathered with dried out mud from the previous thousands of people who had stood on these very steps. Although this place was centuries old, the laid out bricks were perfectly intact: a tarnished treasure. The air was burdensome, pushing my shoulders downwards. My exhaustion as well as the weight of the air harmonised together to create a battlefield. I was overwhelmed by ochre yellow material...
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Descriptive Writing - Donkey

It was a crisp morning. The fresh, loamy air and the rich, rocky surface of the mountains harmonised together to create a ballet routine. The sky was coated with a set of brisk, white clouds that left an overwhelmingly earthy scent which elevated the tranquility of the area. The mountains stood strong and determined. Similarly, on these mountains stood a donkey, committed to carrying the overloaded mess of stacked items heaped on its back. Crates, boxes, and containers were connected to this don...
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Class Collective Story Writing

Fury: I stared at my husband, casually doing the dishes. The so-called washed dishes were covered by crumbs and spots from the Bolognese we ate for dinner. I managed to contain my infuriation by concentrating on the lovely sweater he had on. The one I gave him for his birthday. This only infuriated me more since it was in fact my birthday today. I had not received a birthday gift, I was missing a lovely sweater. Not only was I left gift-less, my ever-so-loving husband was going to meet his e...
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Dropping a Reader into the Story

Rebellion: Drop in method - Pull the reader in with just one great first sentence My parents have a unique method of problem solving, one I never would have suspected to be used on my own sister: murder. My sister was the classic, rebellious teenager. Always decorated with large, silver rings and chains. So effortlessly flawless yet an exceedingly evil mess. She fantasised of being an actress, fame ridden, her ever-so-perfect face plastered on posters worldwide. She always said: "Creativity ...
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Quick Write

Michelle became aware of her special power when she flicked the switch to the broken basement light, out of habit, and the light went on. Everyone around her stared in dismay, wondering how she was able to fix something so evidently broken. Out of everybody, Michelle seemed to be the most in shock. Rightfully so, she had just realised she could finally see her parents again. ...
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Creative Writing Based on a Childhood Memory

I burst open the door to the nursery, instantly overwhelmed by the subtle, warm aroma. It is four pm so she is standing right in the middle of her crib, her dumbfounded doe eyes staring at me. As regular as clockwork. I chuck my floral violet school bag across the room and dash towards my two-year-old sister. A smile grows of its own accord and I can't manage to contain my excitement to see my sister after a long day at school. The both of us are giggling uncontrollably. This is my favourite par...
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First Thoughts 2022 Global Context

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? Creativity is important because it lets people express their thoughts, feelings, culture, and more in different manners. Creative freedom allows individuals to make their own decisions and do or create something of their own. It is somewhat rewarding to achieve something creatively because it is known that this was done on the person's own terms. I find it really interesting how creativity is a broad topic and everything can fit into it as...
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Practice - Karl Pilkington Questions

Outline two ways in which Pilkington gives you a sense of perspective in the first 8 lines of the text? [2 marks] Pilkington uses descriptive writing with a direct description of his surroundings to give a sense of first person perspective. Another way he does this is by expressing his thoughts and emotions to give a real idea of what he is feeling. Identify two ways in which the author makes the description of the toad killings memorable. [2 marks] Pilkington uses diction to make the to...
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Analytical Comparison Prose Extract and Film Scene

There are a number of similarities and differences in between the film extract of Ray Mears' Extreme Survival season 2, episode 6 (3:43 to 5:06) and page 149 of Touching the Void by Joe Simpson. The main similarity is the context of the narrative perspective: both individuals are alone in an isolated environment and they have to use their skills to survive. The two pieces focus on their surroundings numerous times but it is the manner in which they do it that contrasts them. In Mears' document...
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Film Scene Analysis - Joe Hallucinating

Comment on how emotion is conveyed through music and sound Scene: 1:31:09 - 1:34:00 In this scene, Joe is seen to be exhausted and on the verge of going crazy. He starts laughing manically and gets a song stuck in his head. The purpose of this scene is to allow the viewers to empathise with Joe and his tiring situation. In the beginning, the feeling of loneliness is expressed through diegetic and asynchronous sound effects such as the loud wind in the background. The effect of this is that i...
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Film Scene Analysis - A Very Dehydrated Joe

1:25:33 - 1:26:33 In this scene you can see Joe desperately drinking dirty water since he is severely dehydrated. The function of this scene is to display how desperate Joe is for survival and the lengths he's willing to go to get back to camp. It allows the viewers to empathise with Joe and his tragic situation. The focal visual elements of this scene include the water glistening and flowing in a somewhat relaxing manner in 1:25:55. This close-up shot seems to be what the water looks like in...
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Analysis of the Different Emotions in Chapter 1, Page 21

In this extract from Touching the Void by Joe Simpson, the author explores the different emotions of the narrator. In the first paragraph words including “tranquil”, “calming”, “freedom”, and “invigorating independence” are used. In the second and third paragraphs the words “awe”, “glistening”, and “happy”. While the mood remains fairly similar throughout the passage (tranquility and excitement), there is a slight tone change in between the first and second paragraph. The first paragraph is a zo...
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Topic of Interest

Music to my Ears I have always appreciated music and the beauty of learning a whole new language. Musical script. Indicating pitches, tonal keys, notes, chords and rhythms is absolutely fascinating. At the ripe age of seven I commenced my journey on the path of sound through learning the piano. I continued doing so for another four years and after earning significant knowledge about piano skills and terminology, I decided it was time to attempt something new. The acoustic guitar. The instrume...
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