Lesson 79 (Intermediate 2 Lesson 6)

We started the lesson reviewing the Quizlet sentence set for Chapter 6. We each took turns to answer (translate the English sentence to Korean). Fortunately, I remembered to review before the lesson. Since it seems like Quizlet is becoming more actively reviewed, I‘ve added a Quizlet review task to do before my lesson each week.

Culture Note

We didn’t read the passage in class. It is about the Korea post, the postal service. The only thing discussed was the logo. The logo is of a swallow in flight. If I didn’t understand the explanation wrongly, it is because in the past messages used to be sent by messenger birds.

The teacher commented that the mailboxes here (where you put your mail in to send the mail) are big. Plus, there’s 2 slots, one for local and one for overseas/international mail. The ones in Korea are much smaller and only for domestic mail.

I try to think when was the last time I had to mail a letter. It must have been years. I wonder if people just a few years younger than me have ever taken note of the mailboxes? I don’t know when was the last time I have seen one… in fact, if you ask me, I do not even know where the nearest one to my house is.

I only know where (what I think is) the nearest post office is, which also has a mailbox, but… not a clue as to where the mailbox is.


Another familiar pronunciation rule.

As early as Lesson 17, we learn about this rule for final consonant ㄱ (though it also applies to the sound [ㄱ], so the final consonant can also be ㄲ or ㅋ). In Lesson 41, we learn that the same applies for final consonants [ㅂ, ㄷ].

(We have also seen this before in part in Lesson 47 and Lesson 20.)

The full rule: When the initial consonants ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ’ follow the final cononant sounds [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ,], ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ’ are pronounced as [ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ].


  1. 학교 [학꾜]
  2. 꽃집 [꼳찝]
  3. 택비 [택삐]
  4. 늦게 [늗께]
  5. 밥도 [밥또]


1. A/V-(으)ㄹ 것 같다

Recall last lesson, where we learned V-(으)ㄴ 것 같다? And I noted that there is a “future tense” version?

Well, here it is. This is the whole family of them:

However, it is important to note that there are actually two meanings to this. One is the future tense version of the ones we have seen (as expected).

The other is to indicate a subjective guess or presumption, made with little to no evidence. For this second meaning, it can be used for present and even past events.1


  1. 내일은 비가 올 것 같아요.
    • Implies a kind of blind guessing. If you were more certain (e.g. you saw the weather forecast), then you would use the future tense: 내일은 비가 올 거예요.
  2. 부모님과 같이 가면 인사동이 좋을 것 같아요.
    • This is a present event, but is a blind guess.
  3. 벌써 집에 도착했을 것 같아요.
    • This is a past event, but is a blind guess where the evidence is either weak or non-existent. If there were some evidence, then it would be 도착한 것 같아요 (using V-(으)ㄴ 것 같다).
  4. 이 옷이 민지 씨한테 잘 어울릴 것 같아요.
    • Again, this is someone giving their opinion based on little to no evidence for a present event, i.e. the person hasn’s actually seen Minji wearing the clothes. If the speaker has seen Minji wearing the clothes, then the correct expression would be 잘 어울리는 것 같아요 (using V-는 것 같다).

2. V-는지/A-(으)ㄴ지/N인지 + 알다[모르다]

This form is very similar to V-는데, A-(으)ㄴ데, and N인데, where the only difference is you have 지 instead of 데.

This is used when asking or responding to a question about knowing a certain fact or method.2

The thing to note is that the interrogative words such as who and when, etc. are all considered nouns, so they would be followed by 인지, e.g. 누구인지, 언제인지.


  1. 누구인지 아세요?
  2. 어떻게 가는지 아세요?
  3. 어디에 쓰는지 아세요?
  4. 유명한지 모르겠어요.
  5. 나나 씨가 작년에 어디를 여행했는지 아세요?


Chapter 6

Korean English Notes
모레 the day after tomorrow
그저께 the day before yesterday
간판 store sign, signboard 看板
의미 meaning, sense 意味
소식 news 消息. 반가운 소식
제비 swallow (bird) symbol of the post office in Korea * to verify
전하다 to tell, to convey

Chapter 7

Korean English Notes
사거리 4-way intersection
삼거리 3-way intersection
신호등 traffic light 信号灯
지하철역 subway station 地下铁驿
버스 정류장 bus stop 停留场
쭉 가다 to go straight
왼쪽으로 돌아가다 to turn left
건너다 to cross 건너가다/건너오다
좌회전하다 to turn left 左回转, for driving
우회전하다 to turn right 右回转, for driving
출구 exit 出口
올라오다 to come up
알려주다 to inform
사고가 나다 have an accident
이름을 붙이다 to name after
지하도 underpass 地下道
육교 overpass 陆桥
횡단보도 crosswalk 横断步道
택시 정류장 taxi stop
나가다 to go out
오른쪽으로 돌아가다 to turn right
세우다 to stop
직진하다 to go straight 直进, for driving
걸어오다 to come on foot
한참 for a long time
내려가다 to go down
학생회관 students centre 学生会馆
잊다 forget
기념하다 to commemorate 纪念
기념품 souvenir, memento
기념일 anniversary
지나다 to pass
N 근처 near N
2번 출구 Exit 2
705번 버스 Bus 705
잡채 japchae 雜菜. mixed dish of boiled bean threads, stir-fried vegetables, and shredded meat

Also, I finally discovered that I could use Quizlet’s Export function to get the words from there, instead of typing out all of them. This is as these last two chapters I had to use to make a new set for the sentence set since the original ones had rich text.


  • Workbook for Chapter 7, p. 132–137
  • 단어 공부: Quizlet Chapter 7 word set


  • Students: 4 out of 5 (the older lady was unwell, and last week was the last lesson for my friend)
  • Breakout room activities: 1

  1. Actually, doesn’t this sound kind of familiar

  2. There are definitely more uses than just 알다/모르다. I think it’s used similarly in these sentences from one of my TTMIK books (which I’ve added to Anki and happened to review today): 이 서점에 가고 싶은데 어떻게 가는지 가르쳐 주세요. / 어제 친구가 어떻게 하는지 가르쳐 줬는데 벌써 잊어버렸어요. Both have the verb as 가르쳐 주다. 

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