Lesson 112 (Pre-Advance 1 Lesson 10)

We started by going through the vocabulary on the first page of the Chapter 2 handout. My scrap notes for this lesson were also unsure and forgot what we had covered in the previous lesson. (The only way I can actually write these posts is actually because I have some notes, though they may be missing information.)

We also went to look at the textbook (vocabulary section, p. 46 only) to talk about bad habits. This was an activity of sorts too in the handout. Then, we covered the first two grammar points.


3A Chapter 2

1. V-자마자

This is used when an action happens right after another action (V1자마자 V2). It translates to “as soon as” or “right after” in English.


  1. 너무 피곤해서 집에 오자마자 잤어요. (I was very tired, so I went to sleep as soon I came home.)
  2. 수업이 끝나자마자 학생들이 교실을 나갔어요. (The students left the classroom right after the class ended.)
  3. 도착하자마자 전화하세요. (Please call me as soon as you arrive.)
  • Do not combine with ‘-았/었-’ or ‘-겠-’ (tense). Only use the basic form.
    • 집에 갔자마자 잤어요. (X) ⇨ 집에 자마자 잤어요. (O)
    • 밥을 먹겠자마자 샤워할 거예요. (X) ⇨ 밥을 자마자 샤워할 거예요. (O)

2. V-(으)라고 하다

This is used when indirectly quoting an imperative (command) or a request. For statements, see A-다고 하다, V-는/ㄴ다고 하다, N(이)라다 and A-대요, V-는/ㄴ대요, N(이)래요.


For V-(으)세요:

받침 X, ㄹ + -라고 했어요 받침 O + 으라고 했어요
가다 → 가라고 했어요 읽다 → 읽으라고 했어요

For commands not to do something (quoting V-지 마세요):

-지 말라고 했어요
가다 지 말라고 했어요
읽다 지 말라고 했어요


  1. 친구에게 이메일을 보내라고 했어요. (I told my friend to send me an email.)
  2. 언니가 이 책을 읽으라고 했어요 (My sister told me to read this book.)
  3. 선생님이 교실에서 영어로 이야기하지 말라고 하셨어요. (The teacher told me not to speak in English in the classroom.)

Quoting ‘주다’ Sentences

주다 is a bit special, since not only does it mean “give” as in N 주세요, it appears in other grammars, such as V-아/어 주다 and V-아다/어다 주다 where it indicates that something is being done for someone, and also certain verbs such as 도와주다 (to help) and 빌려주다 (to lend).

When indirectly quoting imperative ‘주다’ sentences, it depends on whether the speaker is making a direct request of the listener, or whether he is making a request on behalf of a third person.

  1. Making a direct request of listener: Use ‘-아/어 달라고 하다’
  2. Making a request on behalf of a third person: Use ‘-아/어 주라고 하다’
Example 1

Say 유진 is at a restaurant. She asks the waiter to give her a glass of water:

  • 유진 (웨이터한테): “물 좀 주세요.” ⇨ 유진 씨는 물을 달라고 했어요.

Now, imagine 켈리 just comes into the restaurant, sits beside 유진 and 켈리 looks like she could use a drink. The waiter has returned with a glass of water, and 유진 asks the waiter to give the water to 켈리:

  • 유진 (웨이터한테): “켈리 씨에게 이 물 좀 주세요.” ⇨ 유진 씨는 켈리 씨에게 물을 주라고 했어요.
Example 2

유진 needs help and asks 켈리 to help her:

  • 유진 (켈리한테): “저를 도와주세요.” ⇨ 유진 씨는 켈리한테 도와 달라고 했어요.

Now, if 유진 doesn’t need help, but sees that 웨슬리 needs help and 켈리 is available, 유진 asks 켈리 to help 웨슬리:

  • 유진 (켈리한테): “웨슬리 씨를 도와주세요.” ⇨ 유진 씨는 켈리한테 웨슬리 씨를 도와주라고 했어요.


3A Chapter 2

Korean English Notes
버릇 bad habit, manners 버릇 refers to only bad habits, 습관 should be used for positive habits. It also means manners/etiquette in the way you would say someone has no manners: 버릇이 없다
습관을 기르다 to develop a habit 습관 can be used for both positive negative habits.
술버릇 drinking habit
잠버릇 sleeping habit
늦는 습관 habit of being late
쉽게 화(를) 내는 습관 habit of being hot tempered
편식하다 to be picky about food 편식하는 습관
손톱을 깨물다 to bite one’s nail
다리를 꼬다 to cross one’s legs
한숨을 쉬다 to sigh
잠꼬대를 하다 to talk in one’s sleep
조언을 하다 to advise 助言
야단을 치다 to give a scolding 惹端
야단을 맞다 to get a scolding
실천하다 to put into practice 实践
포기하다 to give up 抛弃
게다가 moreover
괴롭다 to be distressed
뒤척거리다 to toss and turn
옮기다 to move This is the subject moving an object to another location. 가방을 옮겨요. or 화사를 옮겼어요.
움직이다 to move This is the subject itself moving. 인형이 움직여요. (The doll is moving on its own! Some horror movie stuff.) 움직이지 마! (The equivalent of the police telling you to “Freeze!”—basically, “Don’t move!”)
실은 actually
도망가다 to run away
버릇을 고치다 to fix a habit
머리를 긁다 to scratch one’s head
다리를 떨다 to shake one’s legs
이를 갈다 to grind one’s teeth
코를 골다 to snore
불평을 하다 to complain 不平
잔소리를 하다 to nag
마음먹다 to set one’s mind on something
한숨도 못 자다 to be unable to sleep at all
밤새도록 all night long
음악을 틀다 to turn on music
일인실 a room for one person 一人室
사정이 있다 to have a circumstance 事情
깜빡 in a blink
어쩔 수 없다 to be unavoidable
소방차 fire engine
엉망이다 to be in a mess 내 동생은 긴장을 하면 손톱을 깨물어서 손톱이 항상 엉망이다. / 방이 엉망이네.
불만 dissatisfaction 다들 나한테 불만이 많은 것 같아.
따끔하다 harsh 나중에 한번 따끔하게 아야기를 하자.
귀찮게 annoyingly
전하다 to deliver/hand something over, to tell/inform Context to pass (return) a book to someone: 알리한테 빌린 책인데 만나면 좀 전해 줄래?. Another example with the other meaning (to inform) in the homework instructions: 결석한 친구에게 메모한 내용을 전해 주세요.
기꺼이 다른 사람들을 도와주다 to willingly help others
건강을 증진하다 to improve one’s health
균형 잡힌 식사를 하다 to eat a balanced diet
정신적 강인함을 기르다 to develop mental toughness
시간을 선용하다 make good use of time
평화적으로 해결하다 to resolve (sth) peacefully 분쟁을 평화적으로 해결하다: to resolve conflict peacefully
문화와 전통을 존중하다 to respect culture and traditions


  • 3A Chapter 2 Worksheet p. 32 to 37
  • 3A Chapter 2 Quizlet Word Set
    • I didn’t do this, and I died the next lesson (though if I recall, it also wasn’t added to the class so I did not have access, but I still should have revised the vocab anyway)


  • Date: Feb 12
  • Students: 9 out of 11
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, random-ish. For 2 activities it was a group of 3 and one of the persons was the same. And another person for the first activity which was a pair.

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