Saturday, Nov 18, 2023 at 9:11 AM
Homelessness ...
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Be nobody
I ran across this article when I was looking for the difference between awesome, and sublime. Can you imagine removing yourself from your arrogant high horse, and better appreciating all the wonder that is ours to behold?  Well, it is amazing and joyful.  Be a "nobody" for at least a while in your life, and you will better appreciate all around you.  Guaranteed!! Be a NobodyJack ...
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Jackson's ParkChapter 1Tom!No answer.How can I even think of adding Samuels starting line to this story?You know it's out of admiration that it was even a consideration and that being said I will have to continue in my recollection.Jackson's park is a delightful place to travel to by foot and as a boy, I have memories of the nuns shelter and other really neat places to hide a pack of viceroys or even a twenty five cent Vue magazine stolen from Sandy's cigar shop on the corner where the music tea...
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Chinese Zodiac
RATOXTI RADRAGS HORGO MONROO DOGPI R'at O'x Ti'ger Ra'bbit Drag'on S'nake Ho'rse Go'at Mo'nkey Ro'oster Do'g P'ig ROxTi Rab DragSnake Horgomon Roo Dopig How about Ratox Tira DragSnake Hogomon RooDogpig 47 Pig 48 Rat 49 Ox 50 Tiger 51 Rabbit 52 Dragon 53 Snake 54 Horse 55 Goat 56 Monkey 57 Rooster 58 Dog 59 Pig 60 Rat 61 Ox 62 Tiger 63 Rabbit 64 Dragon 65 Snake 66 Horse 67 Goat 68 Monkey 69 Rooster 70 Dog 71 Pig 72 Rat 73 Ox https://pt.wik...
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Teach What you Learn
We are in a lock down in Ontario for 4 weeks now, commencing January 14, 2021 at 12:01 am. While we are restricted in our outside movement, it should not stop us from spending some nice quality time at home learning something that will be a benefit to ourselves and others in the future. It recalled to my mind that the old joke of how many people does it take to change a light bulb became more than a joke for us in the office a number of years ago. We had purchased a sign that is suspended from ...
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Teachers Full Time - Student Half Time Plus
I think when school goes back, if they really wanted to reduce the class size of students, all they really have to do to cut it in half, is separate the students into two groups, A and B. "A" group goes on the even weeks to school, and "B" group goes on the odd weeks to school. Do I need to draw you a map? It's easy to get the students piled up with homework that will last a week, and the in class time is temporarily cut in half, and the home time, is picking up the slack. All the students need...
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Bookkeeping for non bookkeepers
Bookkeeping is a great occupation for those that really like that kind of work, and for those who need a bookkeeping/tax/accounting service, you can be of great benefit if you can do a few up front chores to help.A filing system that doesn't take a lot of time, is a great benefit. Simply put all receipts, documents, bank statements, government correspondence, and paperwork pertaining to your business, as you get it, in over sized, monthly envelopes, labelled the month and year that they pertain...
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News from NY Times
I've been reading a bit from the elected from their party base, the thank you speeches from the politicians, and the yakking about the fact, they, over there, are the wrong ones, and we are the better than two shoes ones. It's really a shame that politics cannot greet the issues, and deal with them, but make a lot of noise. I really guess that when we don't hear from the politicians, then it must mean that the governing is well done, and we can run ourselves. It is really obvious in the past ...
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Well, what is a "job" anyway. Maybe it's our work, or maybe it's something that keeps us busy after we have received some sort of education that should benefit ourselves, and mankind. At any rate, let's for a minute assume that it is our chosen work. I would hope the "chosen" work, is something that comes very natural because we have looked deep enough into what makes us who we are, and we are thankful to find that ingredient within our self to make us want to share that skill. It may be nice...
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The Edge is Nigh
I came across an article today that indicated that Microsoft Edge, because it was part of the Windows operating system could not be uninstalled. Someone made it happen, and shared that information: Well, wonders never cease eh? ...
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Well, weather is a great news article that entices many to watch, read, and be held spellbound especially with the forecasts, and also the horrific. I believe sincerely, if it is not within your control, you can never predict anything that you profess to know. The soothsayer is only a voice in the dark, and when your life is taken over by the soothsayer, then you are doomed to be a piece of the soothsayers desire to control. Weather, is right now, out of our control, therefore cannot be predict...
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Reading Journals
This morning I read several journals of individuals who have posted. It's really nice to see that some can attach pictures, and links to their pages. I will try to learn from their artsy efforts, and try my hand at enhancing the written word with graphics. Usually I'm focused on just the numbers, or basics, but eventually anyone can loose interest, unless there is something to spice up the minute. I enjoyed Jay's Journal, especially when he crawled out of a rut, and became employed working ou...
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Taoist Tai Chi moves
The 108 moves of the Tai Chi set Opening of Tai Chi Left Grasp Bird's Tail Grasp Bird's Tail Single Whip Step Up and Raise Hands White Stork Spreads Wings Brush Knee (left) Strum the Pei Pa Brush Knee and Twist Step (left) Brush Knee and Twist Step (right) Brush Knee (left) Strum the Pei Pa Brush Knee and Twist Step (left) Chop with Fist Step Up, Deflect, Parry, Punch Appear to Close Entrance Cross Hands Carry Tiger to Mountain Whip Out Diagonally Fist Under Elbow Go Back to Ward Off Monkey ...
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Linking notes
I'm trying to blog, and create a link back to another page.  I'm also not exactly sure how to do it but did determine by looking at the URL of the "future" page, that the following will link to it. Back to the Future ...
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Hopefully in the future people will believe that competition is not as important as cooperation and sharing of the mind. Could you imagine being on board a sinking ship, and thinking that no one wants to share their idea of survival because someone may benefit as an individual, and it is too important to get the legalization of reward in order before the mind opens up at the same time as the tongue wags. Shameful, right. So, my thoughts on the technologies is that people start to realize that ...
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I started a bit of a thought writing process with a number of topics that I wanted to address, quite a while ago. One was the #future and it’s there I wrote the subjects that I would like to address. On the money issue, it really doesn’t exist as a usable item, but a yardstick or measurement of someone’s, or some institutions potential to do great. The greater one can do, means the opposite extreme can exist. By eliminating the need for money, or the existence of money, we just need a way of ...
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Advances in the health field will be slowed down by a moral decision to be approached with care. With a lack of experience blending health concerns with the moral care of decency and right, advances will initially be slow. The west, looking at providing relief for the inflected, and the east providing an avenue of prevention of disease and tragedy, will finally join forces and blend their goals for the common good of all. It may be possible to prevent deformities from occurring when we determin...
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Competition is thought today as being healthy, in that it stimulates team spirit and creates price differences. I’ve always been of the impression that in industry, minds of people are so very portable, that when it comes to competition, everyone knows everything about everything, especially because it is very hard to hold innovation back, and if it’s trapped in someone’s mind, the person, custodian of the mind, will move on, where the “competitor “ pays more. In the future, technology should b...
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Thoughts of the future earth.Who knows what will happen next? I think when you realize the conveniences that are available today, one would wonder why we never thought of it earlier. It could very well be that the thought was there bound by the heads of the speechless, which makes it second best to useless. When the thought is there as to the future earth, then communication with the doers is necessary. Maybe the communication can just be in the form of writing, especially when one is relati...
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Standard Notes First Writing
8/15/2020, 10:25 AM I have been reading about blogging through standard notes, and am not sure yet if I know how to access it. The best way I can think of trying it, is just to jump in and start writing, and then publish it. I will see if I can find the options to change any part of the configuration. Today is a pretty nice day, and the chores haven't been started because I've been busy reading from Standard Notes documentation. There was a default in the action bar email that I wanted to ...
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