The good news is God will always find you, motherfucker. The bad news is God will always find you, motherfucker. But the good news is that God will always find you. Motherfucker. You can't outrun your own shadow, you think you can outrun God? And where will you hide? Where is it not God? God will find you, motherfucker. ...
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One sentence a day, that's all it takes. I'm fucking restless. Man, who moved my fucken cheese? Delta variant now I'm tired of this shit And I'm one of the lucky ones I don't have to risk my health for my job I can comfortably pay the bills I'm restless, I need to write I just need to accept that I need to write ...
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God is not your Bitch
God is not your fucken bitch God is not Santa God is not here to make your life easier God is not here to clean up your mess God is not here to make it right when you fuck up Not to say that God would never make it right when you fuck up God knows we're a fucked up species We barely know left from right He fucken knows But, just because from time to time God has come down to clean up our shitshow, it doesn't mean that God is your bitch God Is Not Your Bitch Stop praying that He does your fuck...
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It's easy to forget, but here for the light, people. ...
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One Hundred Days
Tengo sueño. Me voy a dormir. ...
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One Hundred Days, starting over
For more than five decades, the Republican party has pursued a political and economic agenda that only benefits the top 0.1% of the U.S. population. Obviously, the votes from those people are not enough to win any election. To remedy that, the GOP has waged an ideological and cultural against "liberals" to rile their base and to motivate voters. Don't believe it? What was the Republican platform in the last election? Right, there was no platform. However, the cultural and ideological gravity c...
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OSaD, D111
The Devil is never too busy for any of us. On the other hand, neither is God. If you think She is, fire your priest and find a real spiritual path. ...
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OSaD, D110
What people on the left in the U.S. don't see or don't want to see is that the corruption in American politics runs deep, way deeper than Trump and his cronies. Trump will be forgotten, but the extremism will continue. The far-right is abandoning democracy, decency and every value that has built the civilization that today we enjoy. We need to wake up right now (as of yesterday, really) and pass a voting rights bill, expand the Supreme Court and institute other similar measures before it's too l...
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OSaD, D110
I want you to know that there is always hope. Reach out to the suicide prevention hotline if you need to. By phone: 1-800-273-8255 Or chat: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/ I know it sounds like hell has been going on forever, or that it will be going on forever, but hang in there. There are cracks in everything, and through the cracks light comes in. Just say yes to the light in your chest, to the warmth in your chest. Just for this moment. ...
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OSaD, D110
The battle has already begun, your privilege has not let you seen that. The vulnerable and the oppressed have the honor of being in the front. ...
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OSaD, D109
The Republican Party has chosen to be the party of darkness. They are willing to tear the country apart and do away with democracy in order to remain in power. They don't want to cede an inch of their privilege. Not all of their members are willing to destroy the country, but it takes a lot of courage to speak up against destructive forces. So far, we can count the brave Republicans with the fingers of one hand. I think. I can only think of Liz Cheney. So the GOP today is composed of a rabid thi...
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OSaD, D108
The right has white supremacist terrorist and fascist politicians. The left, cancel Twitter. Who do you think it's going to win. Do you ever read the history of the origins of Nazism and wonder why nobody did anything? Well, you may as well look at America today, where the GOP is overtly finding ways of installing a totalitarian regime in this country while the rest of us still think that hatred and lies will fizzle out now that 45 is out of the door. I fear for the future of this country. A...
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OSaD, D107
Pretend Christians are having a hard time accepting the fact that they're losing their status as the most relevant demographics in this country. They're losing their primacy, or so we hope. Equality comes when power is shared equally. This is not about seeing them losing their privilege, it's about sharing privilege. That's what the kids who hoards all the toys will never understand. True Christians would not be concerned about this. If you don't believe me try reading, for example, the Serm...
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OSaD, D106
The path of spirituality is the most difficult path. The path of spirituality will destroy you and rebuild you from the ground up. The path of spirituality takes many lifetimes to complete. The path of spirituality requires strength of spirit. The path of spirituality requires unwavering commitment. The path of spirituality requires firm determination. The path of spirituality does not require wealth or external beauty. ...
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OSaD, D105
Acceptance of our flaws and doing something about them are not mutually exclusive. Acceptance of our flaws and shame are not the same thing. Shame may or may not motivate you to do something about your flaws, but the cost is not worth the benefit. Don't feel shame about your flaws, we all have them. Even the worst sinner spends most of her time not sinning (paraphrasing Bhagavan Bhudda). Present yourself naked in front of God, warts and all. God loves you. God loves your enemy. God ...
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OSaD, D104
Don't let your mind fuck shit up. Train it everyday. Like a goddamn dog. SIT, MOTHERFUCKER! ...
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OSaD, D103
The most important thing is having somewhere to go. ...
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OSaD, D102
Write! Write! Write! It's your birthright. ...
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OSaD, D102
What are the things I know? Today I felt for the first time that, maybe, I was going to start living my life. That I was about to discover what life was really about. That I was about to touch life's entrails. I was at the threshold. I was there. I was. ...
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OSaD, D101
Gently, reduce your aversions, attachments, inward preoccupation and outward orientation to educate your mind into balance. ...
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OSaD, D100
Spirituality is my art. I'm forever refining it. Forever in search of the ultimate ideal. ...
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OSaD, D99
Everything is Brahma. Everything. The parts we like. The parts we don't like. The parts we keep running away from. ...
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OSaD, D98
To get anything of value, you have to sacrifice something. ...
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OSaD, D97
In the things you love, commit, make a vow. ...
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OSaD, D96
Sickness sometimes weakens my ego. In those days I see the face of God more clearly. ...
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OSaD, D95
Without the Ying or the Yang, the Universe would collapse. God's love is infinite, but God is not your servant. Black Lives Matter. ...
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OSaD, D94
May you live a blessed day. ...
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OSaD, D93
The ego and Satan have in common that they think that they can be as great as God by just turning their back to God. But deep inside they know that's not true, that the Light immeasurably stronger than them. And so, they live terrified. Every second they spend thinking about God. And that's how the light of God permeates even the darkest recesses of the mind and the Universe. ...
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OSaD, D92
Focus your mind. Don't make any pacts with your mind. Focus your mind. ...
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OSaD, D91b
We've been conditioned to feel shame while recognizing mistakes of the past, but it does not have to be this way. Mistake admission does not require self-flagellation. "I made a mistake, I'll be better next time." End of story. ...
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OSaD, D91
The day you've been waiting for is today and the person you've been waiting for is you. Don't ask for permission or even inspiration. Do the work. Be the change. Trust yourself. Get and stay out of your comfort zone. It's a leap of faith. ...
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OSaD, D90
The love we give our kids and that they don't see. That's tough love. Tough for us and them. God, give the wisdom to give my son the tools to be a healthy human being. ...
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OSaD, D89
The Darkening seduces you. The Darkening overwhelms you. The goal is to make you lose your balance, to make you forget about who you really are. Don't let it happen. Take a few moments right now to breath in deeply, to recenter yourself. Your life is your life. ...
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OSaD, D88
Somos uno. Realizing this truth is the only way out of this mess we're in. ...
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OSaD, D87
Love yourself, love God. Love your enemy, love your neighbor, love everybody in-between. Love your Creator's creation. ...
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OSaD, D86
The forgotten forgotten ones I was telling my wife that African Americans were the most abused and marginalized group in the United States. I forgot about Native Americans. ...
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OSaD, D85
A mistake that moralists make is to believe that the immoralists are just like them and that one day the immoralists will realize their errors and stop cheating, lying and stealing. False. The immoralists have invested to much time and effort in making habits out of their immoral behaviors to just change one day. Some are incorrigible, the others require tough love and directed attention. ...
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OSaD, D84
I beat my son in basketball. He hates losing—so much, that sometimes it makes him cry. The grief compounds because he feels humiliated when someone sees him cry. I want to tell him that it is OK to feel those emotions. So, why do I feel like a failure when I feel those emotions too? I'm unlearning lessons from the past. ...
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OSaD, D83
Estás en busca de una unión más perfecta con Dios. And you're not there yet. Of course you're not, you've set yourself the highest bar there is. Don't flagellate yourself because of that. God knows you're not there. God knows you're still learning. God knows the size, the strength and the thickness of your ego. No need to hide your nakedness behind a bush. God knew you were going to bite into that fruit before you even knew, before the apple tree's seed had even germinated. Keep the eye on the g...
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OSaD, D82
What God sends his flock to eternal damnation after they make a mistake? I'm so conditioned to believe that God will be eternally mad at me that today I can't get used to the idea that God know exactly how I am and have been and still loves me no matter what. Unconditionally. Period. ...
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OSaD, D81
Advice to young people: don't listen to older people when it comes to climate change. The older a person is, the less you should listen to them. Some of them act in bad faith, but most don't. It's just that older people can't see what you see. They can't see the urgency. It just is what it is. If you listen, they'll lure you into a compromise and the time for compromises is long gone. They are not evil, they are just blind to how high the stakes are. And you almost can't blame them—the stakes ...
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OSaD, D80
Today I left the house with my kids. Best idea ever. I've been feeling stuck at work, I've been stuck at home. I needed it. ...
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OSaD, D79
I grew as a Catholic. Christians' relationship to sin is a difficult one. I see it in the displays of virtuosity that I see in so many of them. Public Christian figures pretend that they don't sin and love to dole out self-righteousness to the rest of us. Both parishioners and the priest class are terrified of being labeled as sinners. I think that fear of hell is part of the reason. But a closer form of hell is isolation. Christians, just like everybody else, dread loosing their community. ...
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OSaD, D78
The trash in your mind just keeps coming back?! Can't spend a whole weekend without being chased by ghosts of the past or the future?! Look no more! Actually, look around a lot. I have an army knife of strategies for keeping me grounded. Some pretty advanced spiritual stuff (IMO), some pretty banal shit (IMO). It's all in my tool box because negativity never sleeps. Julia Cameron turned over the manuscript for her most recent book to her editor with these words: "I don't know if it's any go...
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OSaD, D77
In different ways, with different levels of sophistication, I've blamed myself for my own unpleasant emotions. When I was an older kid and a young teenager, I would see myself as "needy" whenever I experienced the pangs of, for example, rejection. This is something I learned from the adults in my world. More recently, more than a decade after taking the spiritual path, I blame myself for having negative emotions when I "should" be more developed and be "better than that." Paraphrasing Pema...
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OSaD, D76
One of the allures of racism is that material gain that it conveys. White people have a great advantage in the United States in all the ways materialism can be measured: income, wealth, power, etc. Spiritually and psychologically, however, racism is impoverishing. White people in the U.S. have the greatest wealth, but not the greatest mental health. And in regards to spirituality, it's been the oppressed who have lead the way out of racism, segregation and other forms of abuse, through love ...
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OSaD, D75
You think Biden's problem with immigration is big? But this is just the start! Global warming will bring multitudes of people who have lost it all to our doorsteps. What's going to give? The people or the capitalistic system? ...
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OSaD, D74
I feel better. Listening again to Pema Chodron helped me remember the skills that I need while wallowing in the dark. I had to re-learn things I already knew. Why? Because that's human nature. It was not for nothing, though. It was not a waste of time or pain. This time I learned the same things, but in a deeper way. I heard more in the same words I had heard before over and over again. Thank you God. ...
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OSaD, D73
Feeling like shit—an exploration. So, for the nth time, I feel like a worthless fucking piece of shit. When this happens I go 'round and 'round looking for an explanation or an exit. This time, instead of just going in cicles in my mind, I'm writing shit down, just so that at least I don't retrace my steps over and over, motherfuckers. Regarding the cause, I wonder. I wonder, because I do meditation and asanas and kiirtan (chanting), all of which supposedly helps you feel a bit better. And ...
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OSaD, D72
Me siento a veces viejo para los juegos que juego conmigo mismo. I push hard, I dedicate myself, then let up. Sounds normal, though. I guess I'm just tired of avoiding work until the last minute. Perform, do a good job, then fall back to sleep. ...
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OSaD, D71
I cannot help, but to think that negativity has more purchase on some than others. It's actually undeniable. The kids who kill themselves. Then there's the chronically depressive. What the fuck with that? How do you dig yourself out of the whole when you're down that deep and is it your fault, your responsibility when you finally say "fuck that shit, I'm outta here"? Man, I just want to live my fucking life. And it's not like I don't notice shit creeping up on me. And I do my breathing and somet...
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OSaD, D71
Negativity is relentless. Fuck that shit. ...
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OSaD, D70
Turn the other cheek has always been the most puzzling of the teachings of Jesus. The other day I mentioned that a few trees had been cut near my house. That got me thinking that, in a way, nature is always turning the other cheek. We cut it down, we abuse nature, and nature always comes back, turning the other cheek. One way to interpret turning the other cheek is to think of ourselves as actors in our own victimization. We could think "nature turns the other cheek so that we can keep abusin...
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OSaD, D69
Every mistake we make is a reminder to love ourselves more deeply. ...
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OSaD, D68
Your egotistical tendencies have fooled you. They are in no way the path to fulfillment. Bliss comes from freeing yourself from them. ...
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OSaD, D67
A crystal goblet So fragile and dear Needs fill One step at a time Cynic Growing spiritually means also working with our propensities, good and bad. Our propensity, for example, to gossip, to not eat appropriately, etc. We all know the way, but few walk it. Our propensities pull us away from the way. The way to work with those pesky propensities is through love, true love and, sometimes, tough love. But maybe forget for the time being about the tough love because I suspect that must of us a...
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OSaD, D66
The important thing is to keep trying. ...
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OSaD, D65
Death is just change at a scale we cannot comprehend. TrueDeath™ is when you give up. You die a TrueDeath™ each time you give up fighting like a real human being. TrueDeath™ is when you surrender to inertia and deprive the world from the gifts that God put in you. TrueDeath™ sneaks on us because it's not as grandiose as death. TrueDeath™ fucks us up little by little. Sounds contradictory, I know, but that's exactly how it fools us. Don't you know Satan is the Father of Lies? This is the Mother o...
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OSaD, D64
Cuando tu mente ataca, nadie puede ayudarte mas que tú mismo. Aprende a rescatarte cuanto antes. Enfoca la mente en lo divino, busca un maestro que te enseñe como. La inteligencia no sirve para combatir los ataques de la mente. La mente es la madre de la inteligencia, por lo que la inteligencia no puede controlarla. Tienes que usar tu consciencia, la cual es superior a la mente. Educa a tu mente como a un perro. Sit, hija de la chingada, sit! ...
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OSaD, D63
The level of mendacity reached in the current political discourse had me shocked until this morning. People, goaded by the the previous president, fought to undermine the democratic process under the pretense of fighting for democracy. Brainwashed Trump cultist see brainwashed cultists in the rest of us. Trump accuses everybody else of lying while getting ever more brazen in his lies as time goes by. Up is down and wrong is right. Which is shocking and it feels unprecedented, until you remembe...
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OSaD, D62
After more than ten years meditation, I still feel anxiety, fear and self-loathing from time to time. When does this happen? When I let my mind run the show. Horace, a celebrated poet in Ancient Rome, said "Rule your mind or it will rule you." There are two ways to fight against anxiety: internally and externally. The effect of external remedies, such as drugs, talking to a friend and therapy, is temporary. The internal way of fighting against anxiety is to learn how not to let your mind run th...
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OSaD, D61
Now and then, las pestilentes y putrefactas manos del odio (a uno mismo, a los demás) me apañan. Guru, ayúdame a encontrar la luz. ...
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OSaD, D60
fuck everyone, just today, leave me the fuch alone ...
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OSaD, D59
Soy el hijo de Parama Purusa. Until you develop an appreciation for being you, you will not discover what God can do in you. ...
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OSaD, D58
Self-realization and service to the Universe. ...
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OSaD, D57
Many people start meditating because it helps with anxiety—and God knows we need help with anxiety. That's how I started to meditate. Maybe my goal was one step deeper: I wanted to fix what I regarded as my psychological problems. Years ago, I intellectually learned that spirituality was not a realm of the mind, but a realm on its own. In other worlds, I understood intellectually that spirituality is real, and not just a way to soothe our minds, not just a calm place within our minds. I thought ...
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OSaD, D56
The severe and unprecedented blackouts in Texas were caused by deregulation. The "the market provides" mantra has been proven wrong and what we got in response from the politicians that ought to take responsibility was a bunch a lies, as it is now custom in our decadent society. The wholesale electricity system in Texas was run on dangerously thin margins for many years, as the North American Electric Reliability Corporation has reported over and over again. Politicians and the operators of the ...
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OSaD, D56
Fighting inferiority and superiority complexes within yourself requires the same tool—developing the discipline to see yourself and everybody else as the manifestation of the Infinite Love of God. ...
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OSaD, D55
Keeping mental equilibrium is your responsibility and yours only. You can ask for help, but ultimately no one else can do it for you. Any external solution will be temporary. There are no easy fixes. Achieving the discipline to control your mind requires 1) the right knowledge, 2) determination and perseverance on your part, and 3) years of practice. Start today my young friend. Every unit of effort will be repaid several times over. ...
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OSaD, D54
Hoy vi una estatua de Trump dorada. Será usada en una conferencia de políticos conservadores. Lejos de parecerme una broma, encuentro aquí una muestra más del alarmante avance de Mammón en nuestra cultura. COVID no es nada en comparación con el virus de la codicia y el materialismo que ha infectado tantas de nuestras mentes. ...
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OSaD, D53
"El corazón tiene razones que la razón nunca entenderá." La Renga. En este mundo materialista el conocimiento que cada uno lleva en el corazón es peligroso para un sistema que lucra con nuestra ignorancia de nuestra propia naturaleza. Esta sociedad que hemos construido siempre te recordará de tus carencias con el doble resultado de que perderás la confianza en ti mismo (haciéndote más vulnerable al sistema) y consumirás más (tu dinero fortalece al sistema). Salir de esta situación requiere la t...
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OSaD, D52
The writer writes. Fuck validation. If you want to be sure, don't be a writer (this last sentence is a paraphrase from some interesting person whose name I don't remember). ...
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OSaD, D51
Only spiritual knowledge can help us understand the deeper truths of this Universe and God. However, the road to spiritual knowledge must be supported by rationality. Only after spiritual knowledge and devotion have taken root in our hearts can we dispose of rationality. Devotion without rationality leads to madness and conspiracy theories. ...
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OSaD, D50
May my actions today be pleasing to G-O-D. ...
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OSaD, D49
Press ahead, press ahead, press ahead—fearlessly. ...
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OSaD, D48
Devotion is a precious asset in a materialistic world bent destroying it. ...
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OSaD, D47
People in power will fight to stay in power. Expand your definition of power beyond that 3rd grade lesson in which all you learned about was the government. Prepare to fight every inch of power you want from those in power. Expand your definition of fighting beyond physical fights. The real fights today are fought in our minds, not with our bodies. ...
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OSaD, D45
Part of the parks in our city are managed by a recreation district that expands across multiple cities. Some trees in our nearest park were infested by invasive insects. The director of the district decided to cut all the trees down—including healthy ones from species that are not vulnerable to the invasive insects—and to remove most of the vegetation surrounding the area. This disproportionate and destructive response should be a lesson for all of us. Do the people who have power today has the ...
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OSaD, D44
Dogmas weaken our psyches. We now just a bunch of little guys scared of living big lives. ...
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OSaD, D43
Remember to smile. ...
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OSaD, D41
When I was learning how to ski, I went to a hill that only had a Poma lift (also known as a platter lift). It went up the hill right next to a black slope. I was just a beginner and found it very challenging to ride that kind of lift. There was a rough patch of snow and ice more or less halfway up to the top and I stumbled out of the lift on it a few times. I had to ski down the black slope to go back and take the lift again. I tumbled down the mountain each time. It was scary, painful and upset...
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OSaD, D42
Use as many tools as you want to combat negativity. Find the proper philosophy and approach. But always remember that ultimately only you can do the job of controlling your mind. ...
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OSaD, D31
I skipped 31. No renunciaré. Alcanzaré mi meta. ...
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OSaD, D40
Forty feels important. It's 2 degrees outside. ...
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OSaD, D39
Write, write, write. Push against resistance. Don't let your life be pushed into dank submission (paraphrasing Bukowski by memory). ...
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OSaD, D38
Today I read a few old pieces of mine. They were pretty good. My first conclusion is that my best writing happens when I just sit down and write. I also need to acknowledge that some of my worst writing happens when I just sit down and write. In fact, all of my writing happens when I just sit down and write. Corollary: when you want to write, just sit the fuck down and write. ...
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OSaD, D37
Deja de buscar razones para sentirte lastimado. Pon el drama de lado por cinco minutos y ponte a escribir, cabrón! ...
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OSaD, D36
Fed up with work. Once again. Afraid of writing. Once again. ...
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OSaD, D35
The purpose of this blog is for me to publish one sentence a day. The first sentence is the one that matters--even if it's the shittiest sentence in the world. In fact, it's hopefully the shittiest sentence in the world. ...
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OSaD, D34
In an era of social disconnection, a disease comes that forces us to social distance. Irony, lesson, or both? ...
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OSaD, D33
God, may my work today please you and be in line with your mission in this world. ...
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OSaD, D32
Keep meaningless pain and drama from your life. Enjoy the pain that remains. ...
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OSaD, D30
Don't be the one who tests God's grace, but the one who aims to please Him the most. ...
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OSaD, D29
The Devil told me that getting closer to God was not for me, that is was egotistical and vain. It took me more than ten years of my life, but now I've realized that the opposite is true: living close to God requires utmost humility because we know that God us sees us exactly the way we are. The vain man does not want to come close to the light. ...
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OSaD, D28
I've been writing (but not publishing) more than one post per day and I wonder if part of the exercise is also to restrain yourself to writing one post per day too. As I write this, I come up with an answer: no. And the reason is because I've enjoyed that little inspiration I'm getting. This exercise is moving something inside me. Action begets inspiration, not the other way around. ...
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OSaD, D27
Está mañana pensé qué dulce debe ser vivir en ese espacio cerca a la unión con la Consciencia Cósmica en un cuerpo humano—de la forma en la que los bodhisattvas viven. ...
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OSaD, D25
Espiritualidad es el arte de desnudarse frente a Dios. ...
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OSaD, D24
If chance is what brought human beings to the highest level of evolution and complexity in this planet, shouldn't we accelerate the work of chance in our bodies to further accelerate the amazing work of biologic evolution? How is it that radiotherapy is used to kill cancerous cells? Radiation changes the DNA of cancerous cells and as a result they lose the ability to reproduce uniformly. If chance was such a great agent of DNA amelioration, radiotherapy would have the opposite effect, i.e., it ...
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OSaD, D26
Black people armed themselves to fight against oppression, confident that nobody could take a constitutional right from them. White people, not willing to mess with the Second Amendment, asked law enforcement to shoot them on sight. Today, Black people have chosen other means to fight, but whites still shoot them on sight. ...
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OSaD, D23
Thinking that human beings are the products of accident requires extreme belief in magic. If a system with such high degree of orderliness can arise from chaos without external intervention, how is it that radiation does nothing on the human body but devastation? Why is it that out of the thousands of people who received high levels of radiation in Chernobyl, no one emerged as a more evolved being? Not even one. ...
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OSaD, D22
More and more, our biggest challenges require global cooperation. First it was nuclear proliferation, today we face COVID and global warming. This is not a coincidence. We are at an inflection in our evolution. We either learn to work together or go back to the stone age. ...
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OSaD, D21
Sometimes we think we are under the sway of impulses that are actually under our control. Today I'm learning about santosha. ...
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OSaD, D19
te digo un secreto? este pedo que estamos viviendo... es una simulación, nuestros verdaderos cuerpos están en unas cápsulas sumergidos en una solución con los nutrientes que necesitan mientras que un chingo de electrodos inyectan señales eléctricas a nuestro cerebro simulando una realidad orquestada por una mega computadora todo porque perdimos la Gran Batalla hace un par de siglos y todo este pedo del virus y los nuevos inventos en realidad está todo basado en eventos de hace cientos de años po...
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OSaD, D18
El sol comenzaba a esconderse tras el horizonte. Tras sangrienta batalla, los piratas abordaron la nave. Mataron a toda la tripulación, incluso a los que se arrodillaron ante ellos. Especialmente a quienes se arrodillaron. Little John fue el primero en ver los doblones. Se hincó, venerando al único Dios que conocía, y tomó tantas monedas de oro como pudo. Una puñalada le perforó la espalda y un pulmón. De su boca salieron saliva y sangre mezcladas. Lo último que vio fue su propia sangre pintando...
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OSaD, D17
Que no me empeñe en ser perdonado como en perdonar, Porque muriendo se llega a la vida eterna. ...
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OSaD, D16
Entities with denser consciousness have a higher degree of autonomy, i.e., free will. Consciousness is present even in rocks, but it's so thin, that they appear insentient to us. They have no free will. Human beings are the entities with the highest degree of autonomy in this planet. However, this is not important at all to the devotee. The devotee aims at at aligning her thoughts and actions with the Will of the Divine. ...
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OSaD, D15
Patience and compassion toward oneself--even in the warrior path. A crystal goblet\ So fragile and dear\ Needs one step at a time ...
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OSaD, D14
Our propensities, our most pointed desires, pull us away from the spiritual realm and into the world of materialism and unconsciousness. However, suppression runs contrary to the human spirit and indulgence is not helpful either. The goal is to walk the path between these two approaches. For most of our desires, that path is easy to walk. Each one of us has a limited number of very pointed propensities (something to be thankful for). When dealing with those intense desires and compulsions, the p...
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OSaD, D13
Greater in battle than the warriors that conquers one-thousand soldiers in each of one-thousand battles Is the one who conquers only one: himself Self-restraint is the Holy Grail Walking the path between indulgence and suppression Requires a strong mind And a strong spirit The world of touch, sight, The world of the senses beckons With a violent strength Gliding above Is a feat for developed souls ...
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OSaD, D12
People conned by trump are not necessarily stupid or naive. They simply think they're going to be the ones who Trump does not betray because they are special. So I guess they actually are stupid. ...
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my_dogs = 2 rules cannot start with a number no spaces no symbols lowercase (in general) avoid special meaning in Python no need to declare can change type on the fly (dynamic typing) type() #function sirve para verificar el tipo de variable type(my_dogs) ...
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OSaD, D11
Without the strife Without the struggle We would've never know The fight we had in our hearts ...
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OSaD, D10, Spirituality
The material world is obvious. Even more than obvious, it's intrusive, there is no escaping and no denying. Not even animals can escape it--as long as they are alive. The spiritual world, on the other hand, requires intention, work, awareness, concentration, focus--arduous work. From the material world, the spiritual world looks hazy, murky. Our eyes are not accustomed to the warped physics of the spiritual world, how the light is bent, refracted and reflected in the atmosphere that stands betwe...
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OSaD, D9, Sentence or Poem
I'm expanding the scope of this blog to one sentence or poem a day, including Haiku and Haiku-ish poems. ...
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OSaD, D8, Why?
The only time I question my desire to write is in front of a blank page. ...
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OSaD, D7, I didn't publish my one sentence yesterday
We're always a work in progress--persist. ...
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OSaD, D6, A Clean Mind
"Garbage in, garbage out" applies to minds too. ...
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OSaD, D5, Who cares?
Are you willing to chop wood when nobody's watching or will you surrender to the negative thoughts in your mind? ...
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OSaD, D4, What Country is This?
When the insurrectionist storm the Capitol don't "ask what country is this?", because what makes this country special (or not) is the actions of its people, and not the magical thinking that exceptionalism (and your question) implies. ...
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OSaD, Day 3
Elephants of all sizes, along with the giraffes, feed on the trees of the savanna. ...
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One Sentence a Day, Day 2
La separación es una ilusión. ...
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One Sentence
Every day write one sentence, even if it's imperfect. ...
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Some people want hell. They attack whoever suggests that there is no hell. They don't want hell for themselves, but for the infidels. Hell is eternal, the supreme punishment. That's what so-called Christians want for others. Christ asked us to love our enemies, so-called Christians want every person who is not a Christian to suffer eternally. What do we want for people who oppose social distancing? Darwinism? We need to fight our basest insticts not to be like the Christians who wish hell to t...
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It's emerging that some people feel restless about the government-imposed quarantine. They want to get on with their lives. We all do. This coincides with governments in at least half of the states in the U.S. loosening restrictions. I think that's good. I think people have internalized the message and more than 66,000 dead people in the country speak for the gravity of the situation. We'll get to 100,000 before summer and I don't see most people happily going into the streets any time soon, gov...
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Modern society has takenthe power to improve your personal, emotional and spiritual well-being from your hands. Science and objective knowledge, on one hand, and the absolute power of the church on the other. As individuals, it is our duty to take it back. We have the responsibility to heal ourselves and take the control of our lives back. The power to do it is in each and every one of us. There isn't a person in the univeres who is not capable of doing something right now to improve their i...
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La motivación se ha vuelto para mí la piedra de toque que convierte el plomo en oro. Una quimera. Desde que tuve mi primer trabajo, la motivación me ha faltado. Me ha faltado interés en los frutos de mi trabajo. Me interesa no fallar, no meter la pata, no ser completamente irresponsable, pero más allá no me importa más. He leído en muchos lugares que no estoy solo. Que a la mayoría de la gente le disgusta su trabajo (más del 80%, según Gary V, el insoportable y self-centered gurú del entrepren...
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El virus y el virulento
Salir o no salir? Ese es el dilema Sabremos algún día quién tuvo razón? Quién hizo lo correcto, qué país tuvo la estrategia correcta? No lo creo Perú, según las noticias que leí, al principio de la epidemia mandó al ejercito a asegurarse que todo mundo respetara la queda. Suecia, optó por dejar que sus ciudadanos hicieran lo que les dictara la consciencia. En medio, España e Italia, que tuvieron varias semanas experimentando una versión del infierno. One size does not fit all. Por qué cundió ...
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Me desvelo
No sé porqué, pero de vez en cuando me desvelo Es como tomar alcohol, me adormece algún dolor Me embrutece en el momento y le quita el filo a mi consciencia Pero al día siguiente, el dolor, el mordisqueo reaparece Y encima me siento de la mierda porque el día anterior no dormí bien Joder Coño Joder Y así, prometo que no lo vuelvo a hacer Paso las próximas cuatro noches intentando irme a dormir temprano Y las próximas cuatro mañanas tratando de despertarme tarde Para dormir Para recuperar el su...
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A Toast for the Broken
Brindo por los que no son perfectos por los que mientan madres por los que se despiertan tarde por los que no hicieron la tarea los que se mearon en los calzones los que le mentaron la madre a su jefe emborrachados los que no saben escribir los que escriben pura mierda los que se emputan los que no meditan los que tragan pura cagada de desayuno los que no desayunan los que viven quincena a quincena los que no ahorraron los que siguieron el manual de carreño los que se cagaron fuera del escusad...
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Y qué tal que escribir no es difícil
Evidentemente, escribir no es difícil. Estoy sentado en mi casa escribiendo. Puedo escribir por una hora, sin cansarme. Es más fácil que levantar pesas. Porqué, entonces, he estado pensando que es difícil? Para empezar, he estado pensando que escribir "bien" es lo difícil. Qué es escribir bien? Aquí está el problema, no se puede definir qué es la "buena" escritura. Es subjetivo, es decir que aquí estamos a merced del público. Como no podemos satisfacer a todos en un mundo tan diverso como el nu...
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Corona Virus, the Aftermath
Watching the situation in China and the unrest caused by the government's ineptitude, I was hoping that people in China would finally wake up to the oppression and fight for a better system that works for the people, but today I was thinking about our own government's response and the inequality here and that we need to finally wake up to the oppression of a system that only works for billionaires and fight for a better system that works for the rest of us. ...
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Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers killed irony. Baby Boomers are the generation that was born after WWII and benefited the most from the economic boom that blessed the U.S. after the end of the war. Baby Boomers lived through the most prosperous time in the history of mankind. And who benefited the most? White males. And now, white, old males are back to tell you that all you need to prosper is to work harder. The. Fucking. Nerve. Who killed irony? Boomers did. ...
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Tememos despertar a la pesadilla, al terrible así que nos mantenemos callados a lo mucho solo nos atravemos a repetir la palabra que no ha despertado al malvado y así nuestro lenguage es formado a la sombra del miedo cuando uno de nosotros se atreve a formular un nuevo vocablo uno que no despierta al diablo lo felicitamos, nos felicitamos somos buenos ...
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The logic from some white people is this: Trump fears Bloomberg, therefore Bloomberg can defeat Trump. Which does not even make sense, but let's move on Defeating Trump is all that matters, therefore we all must support Bloomberg and not look at his flaws, which include racist views, which are not actually racist white people tell us. Well, thank you for whitesplaining it to us. In fact, Bloomberg's best service to this country will be to split the centrist Democratic vote and help us elect ...
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Nos da miedo que creemos una inteligencia tan cabrona que nos vaya a dejar pendejos. Pero pues pendejos ya estamos, no? ...
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Once in a while Death points her finger to someone close to you I don't mean someone you love I mean someone who reminds you that you'll never know when it's your turn until it's your turn Water your plants Straighten your tie And smile ...
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May God grant you
To live long enough to get tired of your own damn excuses ...
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No me quiero morir como un maldito cobarde
Quiero al menos poder decir que lo intenté. ...
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Statistics Are For Machines and Idiots
You think you're smart knowing that the statistics say that having a gun in one's house poses a higher risk for one's family than potential intruders. And you may be, but you're really stupid if you think you're going to convince anyone not to have a gun in their home with that tidbit of information. We all think statistics don't apply to us (and to tell you the truth they don't, but that may be stuff for another post). The smoker, the gambler, the guy who religiously buys a lotto ticket every w...
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Depression is a bitch
and so is resistance come on guys we can do this "with the flick of an eye you finally see the light" and once you see the light be all over it and don't let go depresh will come back, but the further you get while on the light, the easier it'll be to climb back i believe in you ...
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YouTube Is Out to Get Me
YouTube wants to kill me, so does my neighbor, the garbage truck's driver, porn, the Microsoft corporation, I just got two blue screens of death in the last week, you motherfuckers The seasons, particularly winter and its bullshit: cold, snow, ice, chapped lips, the furnace My employer, the government, Too much and too little Up and down My bed is too cozy The whole internet is too interesting I have ideas to write but everything's been written Dead writers are out to kill me I want to write, b...
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My Neighbor Is Out to Get Me
He wants to kill me Do I sound paranoid to you? He's not cleaning the snow from the sidewalk in front of his house! He's going to give me a heart attack He does it so I don't stop thinking about He does it so I don't write He is Resistance He is Neurosis He lives inside my head ...
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Capitalism and the Race to the Bottom
Is the minimum wage good or bad? A few years ago Chipotle announced that it had partnered with the City of Denver to provide low-rent housing to its employees. Some people, who I suspect are not habituated to reflecting, cheered the move, even though 1) it was a clear admission that Chipotle does not pay a living wage to some of its employees, and 2) it had ensnared the city on a scheme to use tax-payer money to pony up for the difference.Evidently, the minimum wage is not sufficient. The threa...
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Ando Perdido
Ando pinches perdido. Estoy escribiendo todos los días pero no estoy seguro de que esto vaya a algún lado. Supongo que yo lo voy a tener que dirigir hacia alguna dirección, pero no sé a dónde quiero ir. Mi meta en algún momento es escribir un artículo para una publicación. Pero ando muy pinche apático. Un día me siento chido, voy bien, llevo una dirección, estoy respetando mi arte, pero otros días me siento perdido. Estoy siguiendo el método de Julia Cameron, El Camino del Artista, y ella dice q...
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Just Write
I'm taking the #100days challenge, trying to write one blog post at least once a day fof 100 days. Part of the goal is to make you write even when you don't want to, even when you don't have any ideas, or when you just want to go to bed after avoiding the blank page all day long. So, here I am, with nothing to say except that I have nothing to say. Mission accomplished. :) ...
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Note 28
How I'm increasing my productivity. First of all, I'm recognizing that I have a problem. It looks obvious to me now, but for two years I thought I was being smart. The problem is this: I am mortgaging my future in order to pay for short term self-indulgence. My solution Track focused work Focused means no distractions Focused means meaningful: work directly related to my top priority projects Focused means it has a clear objective: a concrete result (blog post, song, etc.), or builds up my ...
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The Path to Self-Destruction is Easy
Destruction is easy. Working with entropy is easy, it's the downward flow, you just let yourself go. Destroying yourself takes one second. A life of building something requires years of discipline, even just to keep yourself alive. Bemoaning that things don't go your way is old, it's easy, it's been done a million times. Self-actualization may seem an act of self-centeredness but it's the opposite. Is the recognition that we didn't come here to indulge in our basest desires, it's the recognition...
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Waiting for something or someone to fix us up is a bitch
But sometimes we just can't stop it can we? ...
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El Último Suspiro
Arnoldo Hams dio su último suspiro el 20 de enero de 1548. Él inventó la rueda de la fortuna para darle un beso a la muchacha que le gustaba. La invitó y en lo más alto de la máquina, Arnoldo, con toda su timidez, y sin haber logrado decirle una palabra a la muchacha cuyo nombre no quedó registrado en los libros de historia, acercó sus labios a la cara de la muchacha quien volteó la cabeza y se alejó tanto como le fue posible de Arnoldo, en un gesto que hizo parecer que prefería ser lanzada del ...
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Don't Try
"Don't Try" – Charles BukowskiArt and creativity is like dating. If you try too hard, it shows. But you still have to put yourself out there. It's a numbers game. It's about showing your face until you feel comfortable doing it without regard for the outcome. On the other hand, it doesn't necessarily mean presenting your warts up front. It's about finding the balance between hiding them and putting them in people's face.But most importantly, don't try to skip the part where you make all the mist...
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Reckoning With the Cost of Self-Indulgence
“The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you.” – David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest Exactly two years ago I read The 5-Hour Workweek. A book to help you "escape the 9-5" and join the "new rich." The goal is to do less work for "the man" so you can have more time for yourself.  In a perverse way, I succeeded.  I've created a very comfortable space for myself. I cut the bullshit at work—reduced the number of meetings I attended, quit attending presentations and webinars,...
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Part X - Resistance
Part X will haunt you to the end of the world and it will destroy you as it has destroyed countless others. You think you're special? That this can't happen to you? That's exactly how you'll get undone. The road to hell is paved by the hubris of amateurs. The pro understands that she doesn't know a thing, until the end. In fact, the less she knows the better. She lives for just another day to do her job. Like AA members, you've won the battle for today—at most. For the next few minutes, most l...
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Fight for your life
It's the only one you have Don't let it go to waste Don't let it go down the drain Don't just stand there Do something Create something There's no merit in consumption There's no merit in cheering from the stands (unless someone from your family is in the field) Create or go stale There are no in-betweens ...
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Not Feeling It Today
I'm in transition. I'm neither here nor there. It's the Bardo. It's painful. Hunger drove me here. The movie Moana made me realize how courageous explorers are. Imagine the time before we had maps, just venturing into the unknown, fearlessly. Will there be food? We don't know. I'm trying to muster one tenth of that courage. My fight is against my own demons, my fears. Today, I'm not feeling it. Neither here no there. Tomorrow will be another day. ...
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We are all able to speak to God. Art is one of the laguages we use to communicate with God. Art is one of the ways in which God communicates with us. It's a two way street. Oh, and by God I don't mean a old, white dude in a white robe. It's a side effect of the widespread acceptance of the Eurocentric version of Christianity that I need to clarify what God I'm talking about. This is a God with no face and a million faces. This is the God that lives inside each of us, a God with no church, a God...
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Artificial Intelligence Is Not Coming For Your Job
Capitalism is coming for your job. Debates about where AI is going and where our society is going are framed as if we were spectators and not creators. Not a coincidence, since we've been socialized and brain-washed as consumers since we were kids. Where our society is going is not inevitable. Our job is not to find mitigation mechanisms, but to decide collectively where we want to go. The steering wheel will not be handed to us, we'll have to fight for it. So, where do we want to go? Now, u...
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The Road to Self Actualization
I'm committed to self-actualization. Some people realized early in their lives that they wanted to be pianists or engineers. It took me decades to recognize it, but my call has been self-actualization since an early age. I grew up in a dysfunctional family (haven't we all?). I was miserable sometimes, but I always knew that there was a better way. I wouldn't put it that way at the time, but I had an intuitive understanding and belief in what Buddha identified as the Four Noble Truths, namely, ...
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Evolution, Random Process or Not?
The "scientific" perspective today is that evolution happened randomly. This means that all the biological mutations that culminated in humans appearing on Earth happened by pure chance. Humans believe that their buildings and technologies are the products of chance. Just kidding. We see our creations as the result of the most exquisite intelligence: ours. However, we don't see ourselves as the creation of an intelligence, but pure chance. Is there a contradiction here? Our creations pale in c...
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Science, Materialism and Capitalism
Capitalism requires materialistic individuals whose validation and sense of meaning come from the outside. The powerful forces within us can and will destroy capitalism. Meanwhile, we are helpful workers and consumers desperately trying to fill the void within us with stuff. For every one of our spiritual, mental and physical needs there's a response from the market. Middle-age male insecurity? We have testosterone replacement therapy and all sorts of bullshit to regrow your hair. Teenage angst?...
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El Sermón de Pocajuntas
El Tlacayo Sintaleca subió al Monte Congéneres a compartir su Sermón del Siervo Ambiestalista frente al Hermano Sol y la Hermana Armadilla. Debido a que el Sol no habla y las armadillas no escuchan bien en general (la más conocida de las especies de armadilla endémicas al continente Terrestre, la armadilla Fileta, tiene uno de los oídos más exquisitos del reino animal, el cual puede compararse con el oído de los murciélagos avispos de la Selva Negra, lo cual ha popularizado la especie de que las...
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Myths the Amateaur Lives By
The amateur wants to stay an amateur. Becoming a pro is a decision. Like cutting your hair, you either do it or you don't. If you're asked "did you cut your hair," saying "I'm working on it" is not a reasonable response. The amateur has good excuses: Originality is paramount. Mediocrity is shame. The amateur lets perfection paralyze him. The amateur is either a great genius or nothing, and so the amateur choses to be nothing. Amateurs let fear destroy them. Every day, their choice is the same. ...
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The Appeal of Conspiracy Theories
Facts are hard. Going to college is hard. Consider a high-school dropout, full of himself. The last thing he tells his classmates is "you'll see!" But life is tough. Life does not give a shit about your dreams, only your hard work. This guy is all talk and no action. His dreams accumulate but he's still an "associate" at Walmart at age 39. The chance to go back to school is still there but he's not going to take it. If he didn't push forward when it was easier, he won't do it now. And he's ...
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Don't Dream Don't Dare
Don't dream don't dare Stay where you are. Don't think your own thoughts use the ones we provide Don't let dissatisfaction with your life take over buy purchase consume stockpile be afraid Afraid of the future Afraid of your neighbor And whoever is not your neighbor Go to the right school, say the right things, get the right job Believe in safety Being unnoticeable will keep you safe Fear death, don't think about it Keep your mouth shut Don't distract Don't get distracted Above all, igno...
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Liberated from Eden II
God created woman and man and gave them everything. They didn't want to listen to the snake. God killed them, they were too weak. God created woman and man and gave them everything. They killed the snake. God killed them, they were too reckless. God created woman and man and gave them everything. They said yes to the snake, even if only by a whisker. God recognized art and ingenuity in them and opened the gates of Eden--They could handle freedom. ...
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Liberated from Eden
I was gifted with the curse of writing Condemned to creative thirst, like the rest of my brothers and sisters I was cursed with the gift of art Privileged by creative thirst, like the rest of my sisters and brothers I was expelled from Eden To build my own house To plow God's land Thank you, Eve For being the first human with the guts to say yes to the snake ...
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El Teniente McNamara
El teniente McNamara gritó una arenga llena de imprecaciones que movilizó al batallón entero. Los soldados cavaron en las trincheras hasta el descanso de la tarde (durante el que pudieron por primera vez en el maldito día ocultarse de la lluvia) y continuaron después del descanso hasta la noche. A la mañana siguiente la lluvia había inundado las trincheras. El lodo acumulado ocasionó los gritos del teniente. Los soldados regresaron con sus palas a las trincheras. La situación llevaba así mese...
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El Hombre
Jacinto Colombiano le dijo a Úrsula Matamalleres al notar que sacaba unas monedas de su monedero mientras pasaban frente a un mendigo: "Este wei no merece tu dinero. Dale, si quieres, pero él, como todos nosotros, está eligiendo su vida." Y siguió sin detenerse mientras Úrsula donaba su cambio. Esa noche el sudor corrió sin parar por la frente de Jacinto. Se despertó continuamente durante la noche tratando de correr más rápido que sus pesadillas. "El viento no te detiene", escuchaba en la voz d...
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Blessed Immigrant
My first few years as an immigrant were tough, even though I had way many more advantages that many immigrants. That gives me a lot of empathy for all immigrants, anywhere, regardless of their status, but particularly for undocumented immigrants and refugees who have it tougher than any other immigrant. My life and mental wellbeing have improved significantly, to the point where I take the things I'm blessed with for granted: I have a lovely family, I own my house, and I have a great job and a...
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